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We have been on the Kings road for a good while now, we are halfway to Kings Landing and Jaime hasn't spoken to me since that night. I feel like such a fucking fool.
I can't get the look on his face after we were caught out of my head, he didn't give a shit about my honour or his.
I waited all night for him to come see me, to explain but he didn't. I would have gone to find him the next day but the Septa wouldn't let me out of her sight, I suspect father told her to watch me. I've only seen Jaime in passing, glimpsing him riding with Tyrion or on duty with the King. When he'd meet my eye he would look away like I was a stranger.
Maybe Robb and Jon were right. Fuck maybe everyone was right about him. And after all I know his heart belongs to some woman he can't have, usually I'm not this stupid but he blinded me.
At first speaking to him was purely because I thought he would make a good husband, then he intrigued me and I wanted him for more than duty. Now that I know that Father doesn't even want him around me any hope of an arranged marriage is out of question. I can't use that as an excuse anymore. I want him, it may just be lust but I can't deny the way my heart aches for him, which is what makes his attitude even worse. I'm not just angry with him, I'm hurt.

They are setting up camp for the night while the King is off hunting.
"Sansa", I say calling her over as I glance around.
"Rayna", she replies as she comes close to me and I bend down and ask her quietly "Where is the Queen?"
"She is staying in an inn nearby with the princes and the princess", she replies and I smile to myself. She isn't here.
"Thank you", I say and she goes back to the Septa.
Jaime stands nearby overseeing some of the men and when he merely glances at me anger and pain mix together and I finally work up the courage to speak to him.
I straighten my dress and hold my head high, he looks up in surprise as I approach him and then he lowers his gaze.
"Jaime", I say not even knowing where to begin.
"Ser Jaime", he corrects coldly and my jaw clenches as I glare at him and resist the urge to slap him.
"I see", I say equally as coldly but I can't mask the anger laced in my voice "Is that what this is now, what we are now?"
"There is no we", he says trying to keep me quiet but if he thinks he can he clearly doesn't know me as well as I thought he did.
"I should have listened to my brothers", I growl stepping away
"Don't", he warns quietly as he looks around knowing people could be watching.
"Ser Jaime", I say with a mock bow as I turn my back to him and go to where I left Echo. She growls at Jaime and I take her rope and go into the woods with her away from him.

When I come back the last bits of light are disappearing from the horizon.
I go to walk to where Sansa and Arya are eating but I feel a familiar hand grip my arm and father pulls me aside. I expect him to ask where I was but I swallow hard at the look on his face. He's angry.
"What was that with Jaime Lannister earlier?", he asks and I curse under my breath.
"You saw?", I ask regrettably.
"You're lucky I'm the only one who did", he says but I'm copping enough shit from Jaime and I don't need any from my Father.
"I think you know exactly what it was" I reply and he shakes his head at me and I can tell he is disappointed.
"Stay away from him Rayna remember what I said, the Lannister's are nothing but trouble"
"You're right", I say as I see Jaime standing with Tyrion laughing as if nothing happened "I should have listening to Mother when she told me to stay away"
He looks surprised at me actually agreeing with him and not arguing but I know he is right, despite what my heart tells me when I look at Jaime my mind tells me that I should have stayed away.
"You may fancy him now but so have half the women in Kings Landing, you will find a honourable man there", he assures me in the gentle voice who usually uses with me, not the tense one he has used since I first spoke with Jaime.
"One you'll approve of?", I ask hopefully, on paper Jaime would be the perfect husband, a Lannister, rich and heir to Casterly Rock and he'd eventually become warden of the west. Still he didn't approve of Jaime.
"I hope so", he says and he hugs me "You are my eldest daughter and I just want you to be happy"
"I know Father", I smile as I hold onto him tightly.
"Like I say to your mother, war was easier than raising daughters", he laughs. When I look over his shoulder I can see Jaime watching and for just a moment I swear I can see the Jaime that I knew in Winterfell.

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