Twenty Six

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It's not long before we arrive at Riverrun. The few Bolton guards they sent with us have gone to a tavern now that their jobs complete.
"Do not let go of me", I say to Jaime "Keep your head down"
"It's not like I can hide from them", he comments.
"No but you can hide from those who want your head until I can get you safely inside the castle"
We get off the horse and Brienne follows us as we approach the gates of the castle.
"Now who are you?" One of the guard asks and I remove my hood.
"I am Rayna Stark Of Winterfell and I am here to see my brother"
The guards look at each other in disbelief "They say that you are dead"
"Well I'm not" I want to get inside the castle before someone recognises Jaime "I wish to see my brother the King"
"There is a pretty large bounty on your head, priceless they say", one smirks and I slap him hard across the face.
"I am your Kings sister and he would have your head for such words"
They both fall silent and I even though his heads down I can feel Jaime smirking behind me.
"Now that is sorted I demand to see the King"
"Who's with you?"
"Brienne of Tarth", Brienne answers even though I had told her to keep her head down and not say a word. Jaime stands behind her with his head hung.
"A traitor", the guard says and I try to keep my expression neutral.
"If my brother wishes he can put her in irons but only he shall, no one else"
"And who's he?", he asks pointing to Jaime, the question I've been dreading.
"Let us through", I demand.
"Not until you tell us who is with you, your already bringing one traitor into the castle"
"We insist on seeing Lady Stark", Brienne says.
"Shut your mouth", the guard snaps at her.
"Enough", a shrill voice rings out and my Mother approaches us from behind the guards which block her view of me, only noticing Jaime and Brienne as they tower over them "You two are fools for coming here"
The guards move aside and she halts in her path as she notices me.
"Rayna", she cries pulling me hard into her arms "You're alive"
"Mother", I gasp as I hold onto her tight.
"My daughter, my eldest child"
Her joy only lasts so long when she pulls away and glares at Jaime, realising that I've been in his company.
"I promised I'd bring your daughters back", Jaime says but her gaze turns cold.
"I said if I saw you again-", she begins
"Please", I plead "Lord Bolton arranged this not us, it was either we go south and I die or we come North and pray for Robbs mercy"
"Robb sees me as a traitor for letting him go, it's a miracle I'm not locked up", she mutters as she leads us inside the gates.
"Jaime has saved my life more than once, he is a good man", I tell her making my stance very clear.
"He crippled your brother", she fumes "Are you that blind?"
"Look at him", I growl bringing her attention to Jaimes stump "One of the best swordsman in Westeros lost his sword hand, he's a fucking cripple, hasn't he paid for his crimes"
"He deserves it", she simply sneers.
"Lady Catelyn If I may speak", Jaime interjects.
"You are going to lose your head", she threatens.
I take Jaimes hand in mine as a sign of defiance. Of what he means to me.
"No he is not, if Robb wants to kill him by the gods he will lose his sister as well"
She shakes her head at me as she says "You are a fool for loving him, getting pregnant and-"
"Enough", I say my voice cracking "I lost my baby long ago and as it was your grandchild surely you can have some pity"
She finally goes silent and bows her head "I'm sorry Rayna, I'm sorry you lost your child, most of all I am sorry I couldn't do more to help you, it's been a hard time since your Father"
"I was there, I know", I say trying to push the memory away.
"I want to cooperate", Jaime says "You have one daughter back, now I will arrange a proper agreement with Robb for a trade, me for Sansa, I will personally deliver her to Winterfell to ensure no harm comes to her"
"And then what", Mother asks. I look to Jaime and he nods.
"Jaime will leave the Kingsguard and break his allegiance to Cersei. If his father allows he will become Lord of Casterly Rock and I will be his wife"
"His wife?" She repeats back to me as if checking she heard me right.
"Lady Stark I know you think I am a man without honour, allow me to keep my oath by bringing Sansa home", Jaime asks her civilly.
"And then you would take my eldest child away from me"
"I was taken away long ago", I remind her "I am not a child, I'm a woman due to be married which was the reason you sent me to Kings Landing"
"Yes I know that, but Rayna, why him?"
Jaime looks to me and I see the shame he feels, the belief that he isn't worthy.
"We're in love, we have been since I first left Winterfell, there is no other man I will marry, no other man I desire", I declare pulling Jaime close to me. A united front.
"Last time we spoke of Rayna you took much joy in tormenting me with your relations with her", she says to Jaime and I raise my eyebrow at him.
"I did Lady Stark", Jaime admits unable to meet my eye "But you know I love her, you could see it and that's why you let me go"
"Yes I know you love my daughter but that doesn't make you an honourable man", she sighs, tired of arguing "Rayna I am so grateful that you are here and that you are safe, but it's time to speak to Robb"

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