Thirty Six

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Father is dead.
Tyrion killed him and his whore after I let him go. Now Cersei and I stand in silence in the Sept next to Fathers dead body.
Shot with a crossbow on the dunny. What a shit way to go.
"You let him go didn't you", she says, her voice laced with venomous rage.
"Yes", I admit knowing that she already knows.
"Did you think I wouldn't find out about the deal you made with Father, you leave the Kingsguard and marry your whore and our brother would go live out his days at the wall"
"She is not a whore", I say immediately defending her despite everything.
"She broke your heart didn't she?" Cersei asks then she laughs "Of course she did, I told you she would" She looks down at Father "Your little brother who you love so much did this and now that little monster is out there breathing while our son and our Father aren't"
"He didn't kill Joffrey", I insist but I know it's pointless.
Weeks have passed and I'm still in disbelief.
Tyrion killed our Father.
Now I am stuck with Cersei and the whole Lannister pack hovering around like vultures.
"This is your fault Jaime, at least Tyrion meant to kill him, you did it my accident", she sneers and she leaves me standing there.
With Father dead maybe it's not too late to go North. He can't dictate my life anymore.
She never replied to my last letter but maybe it's not too late. I doubt she's gone and found herself a husband already. She must be with Littlefinger and I would bet that he is manipulating Rayna. Rayna is smart enough to know when she's being manipulated but if he is giving her what she wants, supposedly helping her take back the North she will let herself believe him.


We are stopped in a little town in the Vale watching Robyn train. Or well attempting to. I can't help but admit that watching him finally get a good kick up the arse gives me joy.
Littlefinger has ceased his advances towards me since Sansa is in our company constantly thank the gods but I know how to seduce him emotionally, to keep him wrapped around my finger. He's a smart man, he must be well aware of what I am doing but in the end we are both manipulating each other to work towards the same goal. Well my main goal which is just a small tick in the box for him.
Out of the corner of my eye I see an old woman giving palm readings.
"Who is she?" I ask Royce.
"Local witch", he says "According to the superstitious she sees the past, the present, the future"
"How fascinating", I comment looking for any excuse to get away from Littlefinger which I gladly take. I leave them watching that spoilt child try to fight and go to the witch.
"Rayna Stark", she smiles and I freeze up, no one here knows who I am "Don't be alarmed, take a seat"
I sit across from her apprehensively "They say you're a witch"
"I am, what would you like to know?"
As a Northerner I've always believed in superstition but in the south those stories and beliefs feel so far away, so distant.
"How do I know you're real?", I ask curiously and she simply laughs.
"The golden knight broke your heart and now you want to know if he will come back to you"
Well she's not wrong but the tale of Jaime and I spread throughout the realm, she could easily guess that.
"Anything more specific?"
She gives me a careful look then I almost swear I can see a flame flicker in her eyes.
"The last time you saw your sister was amongst blood and fire"
I sit upright at the mention of Arya. This witch is real. I need some insight now more than ever.
"Will I see her again?"
"Yes but not for years to come", she answers, at least she is still alive and she will live. Now for the question I came over to ask.
"Will I see him again?", I ask hopefully.
A tear falls down my cheek but I don't dare wipe it knowing I'm being watched "When will I see him?" I ask eagerly.
"He will ride north for duty and stay for love", she says. A bit of a riddle, almost like a prophecy, no direct answers but what did I expect? I just want to see him.
"When?" I ask. Tomorrow, in a month, in a year, or even longer?
"When the snake kills the stag he shall return to you but be warned when the dragon comes the white wolf shall be transformed. The winter wolf shall fall to a blade and the lion shall return south. The dragon will fall to the wolf and then it shall be a time for the wolves"
Part of me wants to believe this is the ramblings of a mad woman but it is a prophecy I shall never forget. When the snake kills the stag. When the Dornish kill Stannis? Snakes and dragons and wolves and lions, it's all too much.
If what she says is true he will ride north for duty and stay for love. We will be reunited.
"You are lucky, not many people find true love so young, most people never find it", she comments.
"True love?" I ask with a short laugh.
"Yes my dear, the lion is the man you are fated to be with", she tells me and I struggle to believe it. My heart aches though as I remember the dream I had before I met Jaime. The wolf and the lion running side by side.
"Fate has never been on our side"
"No, but it will be", she promises and I wipe a tear from my eye as I become wary of Littlefinger watching "It is written in the stars"
"Anything else?" I ask looking over to him.
She looks to Littlefinger and I can't ignore my gut instinct "Yes be careful, you are being deceived far more than you know, beware the mockingbird"
Little fingers signal.
"Rayna, come it's time to go", he calls.
"Thank you", I say to the witch but before I go she grabs my hand.
"Be careful, darkness awaits you on the road with him", she warns sternly "Do not underestimate the flayed man, trust the kraken"
Kraken? The Greyjoy's may as well all be dead. "Rayna, dear come", Littlefinger instructs as he stands nearby. She gives me a warning look that sticks with me as I continue along the road with him and Sansa.

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