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One night I'm in my room wondering if I should risk going to see Jaime, I haven't had more than ten minutes alone with him since I found out about Bran. Just secret rendezvous in empty rooms. I feel guilty for believing Jaime could have been involved with Brans fall, even if it was for a moment. I've been meaning to see him properly but he seems to have become just as paranoid about Cersei as I am.
I'm about to get ready to go see him but when I hear a firm but light knock on the door I know who it is. I open the door with the biggest grin on my face and grab him by his shirt and pull him inside closing and locking the door behind us.
"Well this is a surprise", I smile as I wrap my arms around his neck and kiss him.
"Cersei is busy tonight, no chance of her stumbling across me coming to see you", he says stroking my cheek tenderly "As exciting as our ten minutes of privacy in empty rooms are I've missed you"
"I've missed you as well Jaime", I say as he pulls me tightly into his arms and buried his face in my hair. There is nothing like being in the arms of the man that you love. The safety and security of it. All my worries disappear when I'm with him.
He then smirks a little as he lifts me up suddenly and carries me over to my bed and I shriek as he drops me onto it and flops down next to me.
"You cheeky bastard", I laugh slapping his arm playfully. I love that we can be loving and tender then playful then passionate. He has the same energy I do.
He grabs me by the waist and lifts me up on top of him so I'm straddling him.
"Is there any chance of anyone walking in?" He asks.
"Only if the Septa needs me to straighten out Arya", I reply somewhat breathlessly.
"If she does I'll hide"
I run my hands over his chest as I steady myself and he takes one of my hands laces his fingers with mine and brings my knuckles to his lips.
"I have something for you", he says as if he's just remembered.
"Now I'm curious", I roll off of him and lay on my stomach he climbs off the bed and reaches into his pocket. "Jaime", I gasp as he shows it to me. A golden ring.
"It's a Lannister ring, I had a little dig around and I realised that this was one of my mothers rings", he says and in his voice I can hear the meaning this has to him "I wanted you to have it"
"Are you sure?" I ask sitting up on the edge of the bed to face him properly.
"Yes, as the next Lady Of Casterly Rock it should be yours", he says sliding it onto my finger.
It takes me a moment to realise and then my eyes meet his and I'm speechless.
"Jaime", I whisper unable to find the words as he kneels down and kisses my hand.
"Will you be my wife?", he asks. Tears of joy come to my eyes as I nod.
"Yes", I cry as I jump up and fling my arms around his neck, he lifts me up in his arms and kisses me. When we pull away the look of adoration on his face make my heart feel like it's going to burst.
"Yes", I repeat.
He caresses the side of my face and kisses me tenderly, then passionately. Breathlessly I ask "Jaime, what about Loras, what will we do?" I ask
"Anything we need to do", he promises "You and I are the only ones that matter, the only ones in this world, nothing else matters only us"
It's in this moment I realise that I will do anything for him, no matter how reckless or dangerous. Nothing else matters, only us.
My hands move to his jacket which I pull off him. His eyes burn with desire and curiosity as I pull his shirt off of him as well.
He watches my intently I run my hands over his bare back, over his shoulders and down his chest and stomach feeling the soft skin that covers hard muscle until I reach the fabric of his pants.
I know what I want. I want him.
Boldly I take his hands and move them down over my breasts and to my waist.
"I want you, all of you", I breathe as I trace a finger over his abdomen "Every inch of you"
The look of desire his eyes makes my knees go weak and I run my hands up to his shoulders to caress his face.
"Are you sure?", he asks as he pulls me closer.
"Yes", I say as I undo several of the laces at the front of my dress.
"You don't want to wait until marriage?" He asks, checking again that this is what I want.
"I want you", I reply and the look of hunger on his face is insatiable as he lifts me up and throws me back onto the bed lifting my skirt up to the top of my thigh. I grab his face roughly and pull his lips to mine devouring him until he tears his lips away and looks at me, deciding what to do first. He starts to climb off of me and open my mouth to protest until he grabs my waist and pulls me roughly to the edge of the bed, getting on his knees before me.
"I've never known a man before so please be gentle", I gasp as he hikes my skirt up and begins to remove my undergarments, baring me for him.
"Don't worry I plan on taking my time until you're begging", he murmurs kissing my thigh. I'm already moaning as he kisses his way to the top of my thighs and further.
He pleasures me until I can't even think of words, I can only moan and cry out his name and it's not long until I'm begging for him. He slowly unlaces the rest of my dress and pulls it off of me as I lay fully bare for him already breathless and panting. He hurriedly helps me pull his trousers off and I gasp I hear them hit the floor and take all of him in. As I memorise every inch of his skin. He positions himself on top of me, our bare skin warm as I feel his weight on top of me.
He takes a moment to kiss me tenderly and looks into my eyes, silently asking.
"I want you", I breathe and his lips brush against my own as he enters me. He slowly begins to move his hips, being as gentle as possible with me, restraining himself for my sake until I'm crying out in pleasure.
When it's over I'm lying on the bed breathing heavily, still clinging to Jaime as I bury my face in his neck. So that's sex and gods Jaime is a better lover than I ever imagined. I kiss him roughly and when he bites my lip he pulls away smirking.
"You are a cocky bastard Jaime Lannister"
"It seems so", he says running a hand between my legs and kissing me again.
"You better fucking marry me", I gasp as he moves his hand between my legs.
"Or what?", he teases rubbing me.
"Gods just fuck me Jaime", I gasp again, kissing him and rolling over in the bed and devouring each other like animals until we are both exhausted.

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