Thirty Seven

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I touch the Lannister ring on my finger as we stand on the hills overlooking Winterfell.
Tears come to my eyes, I never thought I would see my home again. It's been four years since I left home, now I've finally returned.
However as the prospect of marriage looms I feel the same resistance I felt all those years ago when I was betrothed to Loras. However unlike Loras the Bolton's are cruel, I meant what I said when I would rather starve myself. Despite my home being so close I want to run to Jaime, I want to run back to the Vale and beg Jaime to come to me, or to arrange for me to safely come to him just as I had tried.
The ring on my fingers reminds me who I am betrothed to, who I will marry.
"I don't want to do this"
"Do you want Winterfell?" Petyr asks, if he's going to sell me like a whore then I won't be his little doll anymore.
"I want Jaime, I want to turn around and go back to him", I confess, what's the point in trying to seduce Petyr when he's marrying me off to a bastard.
"I didn't want to tell you like this but Jaime is back with Cersei, the death of their son has brought them together", he says hesitantly.
"You're lying", I insist, refusing to think of the possibility.
"Unfortunately I am not, my spies tell me he  visits her chambers at night", he tells me and I honestly don't know if I believe him. It's too believable for me to dismiss "Do the right thing and marry, for the North, to avenge your family"
He grasps my face in his hand and I don't realise that I'm crying until he's wiping away my tears. "There is no justice in the world, not unless we make it"
I don't want justice anymore I want Jaime. For years I believed Jaime would be the one I would marry. I still love him.
"No, I will starve myself to death before selling myself to the enemy, I would let them flay me before becoming Rayna Bolton", I spit and his hand moves to my throat and wraps around it tightly.
"You will marry Ramsay, your mother and brother would be rolling over in their graves if they could see their heir was refusing to take back their ancestral home because she loved a Lannister"
As he tightens his grip on my throat he tightens his grip on my very will, on my instincts to run.
"I am not a whore to be bought and sold", I sneer "I will run"
He glances past me to the Knights of the Vale he now commands "And I will order them to bring you back, you may have run from one wedding but I assure you that you will not escape another"
I could cut my own throat here and now, in a split second it could be done but I need to do this. I will not die until the Bolton's are dead and Winterfell is free. I will die to do it. To make sure my sisters have a home to return to.
"I'm sorry Petyr", I say quietly, faking submissiveness. He slowly removes his hand from my throat and gives me a pleased smile.
"This is what they would have wanted", he tells me "Robb would have done the same as I am"
No. He would never sell me like this.
Although my mind and will is strong my heart is not.
"Jaime has betrayed you, it is time to get the revenge you've desired ever since they slaughtered your family"
The night of the Red Wedding I swore I would have their heads. This is the only way despite how it will break my heart.
Trembling I raise my head high and look to Winterfell "I'm ready"

Littlefinger takes me down to the gates of the castle to greet Roose Bolton and his son.
Roose must be a fool to invite me back here, if he expects me to be obedient he is gravely wrong. If he thinks I will settle for peace I will show him my wrath.
He appears and I would take my dagger and stab him to death right here if it wasn't for the guards.
"Lord Bolton", I say stiffly refusing to bow my head or bow. I am the rightful Lady of Winterfell, this is my home not his.
"Lady Rayna, welcome to Winterfell", he replies "May I introduce my son, Ramsay Bolton"
His son approaches me, at least he looks my age, not a boy and not an old man. Though considering I'm in love with a man who is forty I can't complain too much about age. He is short for a grown man, not the best on the eyes but of all the men they could marry me too he doesn't look the worst however I don't forget that although he is a bastard he is a Bolton.
"It's an honour to meet you, my lady", he says and it takes all self control not to recoil as he kisses my hand. Wet lips press down firmly on my hand, so different from the ones I'm accustomed to. Ramsay and Littlefingers very touch makes me feel violated, I would give anything to feel Jaimes lips again. To feel safe.

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