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Jaime and I walk side by side into the Dragon Pit. He can't wipe the smile from his face but Cersei is playing on my mind.
"She's not here yet?" I ask remembering what she did to the Tyrells. She said she was going to confess her crimes and she killed them all instead. I wouldn't put it past her to do it to us. Agreeing to meet here and conveniently once all her enemies were in one place having us killed.
"No, I believe it has more to do with her vanity than anything else", he mutters and I can tell her hasn't enjoyed these past few weeks in Kings Landing.
"There isn't any wildfire under here, is there?" I ask and his eyes widen as he is realising what I'm suggesting.
"I-" he stutters as his forehead creases in serious thought "No there isn't, most of it was kept under the Sept of Baelor, much to Cersei's convenience"
I nod slightly but I'm not put at ease.
Most of my party is seated by the time we reach them except for Brienne who immediately comes to greet me.
"Your Grace", she says bending the knee and Daenerys's party has a stunned look on their face as if they forgot that I am a Queen.
"Brienne", I smile as she rises "I thought Sansa would be here?"
"She said and I quote 'If they want another Stark prisoner they can come and take me themselves'", Brienne says and I feel very proud of Sansa. She's clever.
"Perhaps she is smarter than all of us then", I say looking around and still no Cersei "Sansa, Arya, Bran what happened, what are they like?"
Jaime listens nervously as she says "I'll start with Bran, he is not a boy anymore and I doubt he is the boy you remember"
Her voice is strained and she is picking her words carefully "Explain"
"He calls himself the Three Eyed Raven, he has visions it's how he saw that the dead are approaching", she explains "He is very strange, Sansa would agree with me"
She doesn't look at Jaime any differently so if Bran remembers he hasn't said anything. I'm sure that Brienne must know but to what extent I'm not sure.
"And Arya?" I ask remembering the last time I saw her, hair cut like a boys and being carried off by the Hound.
"Let's just say the only person who needs protecting is the one that gets in her way", she smiles proudly and I return the same smile, that sounds like Arya. So Sansa and Arya are fine. Bran however not as fine but I will deal with him when the time comes.
I take my seat and Jaime sits beside me. I look for any sign of Cersei coming but there is none. I turn to look at Jaime and I find him already gazing at me in adoration.
My husband and the father of my child. My light in all this darkness and uncertainty. However he can't ease my uncertainty in this moment as I notice Tyrion pacing around.
"Could this be a trap?" I ask him paranoid but with good reason "She isn't here, and I am not going to sit and wait to get blown up with wildfire"
"There isn't any here", Jaime says trying to calm me.
"That you know of", I reply and turn my attention back to Tyrion "Is there any chance there is a trap set for us"
"Yes but you see if there was she would wait for Daenerys to be here and Daenerys won't land until after Cersei is here", Tyrion informs me "I'm not as foolish as Daenerys likes to think"
I see Sandor Clegane approaching out of the corner of my eye. Jaime gives me an odd look as I leave my seat to go speak to him.
Once I was afraid of him, but in Kings Landing he was all that stood between Sansa and I and Joffrey and the Queen. He protected us. I would have lost my head that day on the wall if he hadn't stopped me from killing Joffrey.
"You aren't a little bird anymore", he comments looking at me.
"No, I'm not", I reply.
"Your sister?"
"Neither is she" I always gathered he had some affection for Sansa.
The Hounds gaze turns dark "I heard you were broken in rough"
Jaime looks as if he is about to step in between us before I say "I was but he paid for it"
"I fed him to his own Hounds"
He gives me a proud half smile "Good"
We are quiet for a moment before I say "Arya. I saw you take her at the Red Wedding, you protected her"
"Well someone had to", he says but I see a fondness in his eyes I've never seen before. He truly does care for her. He protected her when no one else could.
We hear Lannister men approaching and I take my seat beside Jaime.
"Why did you let the Hound speak to you like that?" Jaime asks knowing if it was anyone else I would have slapped him and Jaime would have stepped in to help me.
"We have a strange history", I say and we look up to see Cersei finally arriving.
She is escorted by the Mountain and Qyburn, the disgraced maester who treated Jaime after he lost his hand. I see the badge on his chest, he certainly has climbed up the ranks but then again chaos is a ladder. I'll have to ask Cersei if she received Littlefingers head.
Then I see a man who I assume is Euron Greyjoy. The look on Theons face confirms it.
When she comes into view I'm taken aback by how different she looks. Dressed in all black, her hair short and looking aged and stern.
I made sure to dress carefully before coming here, little symbolic things that neither Jon or Jaime would notice but things Cersei and possibly Daenerys would. The gold and red jewellery I wear symbolising my marriage and the Lannister men that claim me as their Queen. The icy grey colour of my dress and the silver wolves embroidered into it as well as the Arryn sigil also subtly embroidered for the Vale. Blue scaled pieces showing that my kingdom includes not just the North but the Riverlands. The silver armoured piece of the bodice, not just for decoration. Robbs cloak which I wear to give me strength and finally my crown. I am a Queen and today is the day I need to remind everyone of that.
She gives me a cold, jealous look at she walks past and takes her seat.
Before anyone can speak Sandor steps forward and faces the Mountain.
"Remember me? Yeah, you do. You're even fucking uglier than I am now. What did they do to you? Doesn't matter, that's not how it ends for you, brother. You know who's coming for you, you've always known", Sandor warns him and I exchange a look with Brienne, she knows the Hound mustn't know the story of the Cleganes.
Sandor walks away and the Mountain returns back to Cersei's side.
"Where is she?", she asks and I wonder if she did have a trap set for us, but Daenerys not being here ruined it.
"She'll be here soon", Tyrion assures her looking up anxiously at the sky.
"She didn't travel with you?", she asks him suspiciously.
We are all silent for a moment but the dragon isn't anywhere in sight. She turns her attention to me.
"The last time you were here you tried to kill me", Cersei reminds me and everyone is silent.
"Unfortunately I didn't do a good enough job", I reply, last time I was here she was my superior, now we are equals. I'm not afraid of her anymore "Did you receive my gift?"
Jaime gives me a warning look but I ignore him. The look on Cersei's face answers the question and I smirk.
"Speaking of gifts, Jaime I see you still wear the hand I gave you", she says to my husband and out of the corner of my eye I see everyone exchange looks.
Jaime looks at her then back to me. I expect a witty remark but instead he pulls his golden hand off and throws it at her feet.
Cersei and I both watch in surprise as it hits the ground in front of her.
"Take it, it's the last Lannister gold you're going to get", Jaime tells her with a smirk and I press my lips together to keep from laughing at the stunned look on her face.
Just when I thought I couldn't be any prouder of him. When we return home I'll have the maester make him a new hand, something more practical than a solid gold brick.
Jaime looks at me and I see the cockiness and the sharp tongue I fell in love with. No matter how much we change and grow, part of him will always be that man I met in Winterfell and part of me will be that innocent girl with nothing but the yearning to be loved in her heart.
That burning desire we both felt all those years ago will never fade, that I am certain of.
A dragon screeches nearby and Jaime and Euron both stand to see it approaching.
It lands loudly and it's roar is thunderous, I see the shadow of fear in Jaimes eyes. The last time he saw the dragon he was charging at it. Drogon crawls down into the pit and let's Daenerys off.
Well that was certainly an entrance.
Jaime returns to my side as Daenerys walks towards us all and takes her seat next to Tyrion.
We can all feel the tension as Cersei and Daenerys eye each other.
"We've been here for some time", Cersei says like she didn't arrive late herself.
"My apologies", Daenerys replies and she looks at Tyrion who stands to address us all.
"We are all facing a unique-", he begins before Euron cuts him off.
"Theon, I have your sister", Euron taunts "If you don't submit to me here and now, I'll kill her"
While Jaime and Tyrion exchange a confused look I glare at Euron.
"If you wish to threaten him you can do it another time", I say defending Theon and he turns to look at me.
"And who are you again, the third queen?"
He says it as if he expects a laugh but he gets none, only a half satisfied look from Cersei.
"I am the Queen in the North and Ned Starks eldest daughter, and Theon was my fathers ward, threaten him again and it is me you will be dealing with"
"And where's your father now, oh and your brother, the mighty young wolf?", he laughs and Jaime is about to go hit him when I raise my hand to stop him.
"You are an arrogant man considering the last time you were in Kings Landing you were defeated and then exiled. You may mock the Starks but my brother never lost a battle, and neither have I", I say knowing I'm about to ruin him "Can you say the same?"
Cersei opens her mouth to speak but I cut her off "And Cersei, allying with a Greyjoy, I can only imagine what Tywin would say but well I suppose you don't really have any other allies"
Both her and Euron look outrageously offended and Jaime gives me a proud smile as does Theon.
"As entertaining as this is I think we ought to begin with larger concerns", Tyrion says looking both amused by the looks on Cersei and Eurons faces and proud.
"Then why are you talking?", Euron asks and I roll my eyes knowing what's coming "You're the smallest concern here"
Tyrion looks at Theon "Do you remember when we discussed dwarf jokes?"
"His wasn't even good", Theon says
"He explained it at the end, never explain it always ruins it", Tyrion adds but Euron is arrogant and won't back down.
"We don't even let your kind live in the Iron Islands, you know?", he says to Tyrion and I feel Jaime grow tense beside me "We kill you at birth, an act of mercy for the parents"
"You ought to sit down", Jaime says barely concealing his anger.
"Why, what can a one handed man do to me?" he mocks.
"Sit down or you'll find out", Jaime replies jumping out of his seat gripping the hilt of his sword.
"Sit down both of you or leave", Cersei orders and Euron laughs and returns to his seat. I nod to Jaime to sit and he returns to my side.
Now that everyone's finally quiet Tyrion steps forward once again to speak.
"We are a group of people who do not like one another as this recent demonstration has shown. We have suffered at each other's hands, We have lost people we love at each other's hands. If all we wanted was more of the same, there would be no need for this gathering. We are entirely capable of waging war against each other without meeting face to face"
"So instead, we should settle our differences and live together in harmony for the rest of our days?" Cersei laughs.
"We all know that will never happen", he says
"Then why are we here?", she asks.
My brother stands and comes before us to tell us about the white walkers.
"This isn't about living in harmony, it's just about living. The same thing is coming for all of us, a general you can't negotiate with, an army that doesn't leave corpses behind on the battlefield. Lord Tyrion tells me a million people live in this city, they're about to become a million more soldiers in the Army of the Dead"
I see shadows in Daenerys's eyes as he speaks. She has lost more than any of us to that army.
"I imagine for most of them it would be an improvement", Cersei says and I honestly wonder how thick headed she is.
"This is serious", Jon says annoyed as he always is when people doubt him "I wouldn't be here if it weren't"
"I don't think it's serious at all, I think it's another bad joke", she says and I wonder who's going to hit her first, me or Jon "If my brother Jaime has informed me correctly, you're asking me for a truce?"
"Yes", Daenerys says evenly "That's all"
"That's all?", Cersei scoffs "Pull back my armies and stand down while you go on your monster hunt or while you solidify and expand your position. Hard for me to know which it is with my armies pulled back until you return and march on my capital with four times the men"
We easily could but I know the politics of Westeros unlike Daenerys. Politically it would cause many problems not to mention the death toll.
"Your capital will be safe until the northern threat is dealt with", Daenerys promises "You have my word"
"The word of a would-be usurper"
Tyrion clears his throat as Cersei and Daenerys glare at each other "There is no conversation that will erase the last fifty years, we have something to show you"
We look and see Sandor returning with a large crate on his back.
He puts it down with a large thump and I watch intently as he removes the chains and bars that lock it. He removes the lid and steps back gripping the hilt of his sword.
We wait but nothing happens. Impatiently he kicks it over and the most horrible creature I've ever seen charges forward. Jaime jumps to his feet half drawing his sword but the screeching creature charges for Cersei. Before I can even pray that it gets to her Sandor pulls a chain and the creature is brought to a stop.
I look at it and I've never felt so repulsed by any creature, well except for a few men but they are long dead and proper dead. This creature shouldn't exist. My heart pounds at the thought of it coming near my family.
I reach for Jaimes arm as Sandor draws his sword and slices it in half. I watch it morbid fascination and horror as it still continues to move.
Qyburn the sick man curiously picks up the still moving hand that Sandor sliced off.
Jon steps forward and takes the hand and lights a torch. Now I understand. Now I understand his obsession with this army of the dead.
"We can destroy them by burning them", he says lighting the hand and I close my eyes as I hear the creature scream.
"And we can destroy them with dragonglass", Jon continues "If we don't win this fight, then that is the fate of every person in the world"
He stabs it through the heart with the dragonglass dagger and I flinch at the creatures final scream.
My hand covers my stomach knowing that if we don't stop them my child will never be born.
All this time I've dismissed Jon's concerns, knowing that the threat was real but seeing it an unimportant compared to the threat in the south. Now I understand. I'll have to apologise to him after this.
Cersei stares at the creature in disbelief and Jon turns to her "There is only one war that matters, the Great War", he proclaims "And it is here"
I look at Jaime who still stand and he sees my hand over my stomach and we share the same worried look. I nod my head for him to sit and he subtly pulls his chair closer to mine as he sits.
"I didn't believe it until I saw them, I saw them all", Daenerys says to us and Cersei.
"How many?", Jaime asks, he is the head of my armies so it's natural he is already thinking of the war.
"A hundred thousand, at least", Daenerys says stiffly to him, recognising him as the kingslayer and the man who charged at her and her dragon.
The look on Jaime's face doesn't give me any comfort. Still there is no one I trust more to lead my armies than him.
Euron rises to inspect the finally lifeless creature "Can they swim?"
"No", Jon answers.
"Good, I'm taking the Iron Fleet back to the Iron Islands", he says and I have to stop myself from mocking him. He is a true coward.
"What are you talking about?", Cersei asks him not so kindly.
"I've been around the world, I've seen everything, things you couldn't imagine and this this is the only thing I've ever seen that terrifies me", he says holding the burnt hand.
He then turns to speak to Daenerys "I'm going back to my island, you should go back to yours. When winter's over we'll be the only ones left alive"
We watch as he leaves, the mighty Ironborn fleeing. Theon watches him smugly and rightly so. Theon is not a coward like his uncle.
"He's right to be afraid and a coward to run", Cersei says and I can see that Euron leaving is a slap in the face to her "If those things come for us, there will be no kingdoms to rule. Everything we suffered will have been for nothing, everything we lost will have been for nothing. The crown accepts your truce, until the dead are defeated they are the true enemy"
Jon sighs in relief but I'm more skeptical. I know Cersei, I don't trust her word.
Then she looks at me "In return the Queen in the North will extend this truce", she says with a bitter tone at my title "You will remain in the North where you belong, you will not take up arms against or call on any more Lannister troops, you will not choose sides"
It is a reasonable deal. I don't plan on marching south and fighting her men anyways. Not yet at least. However this is my chance, possibly my only chance to barter for more.
"Just the Queen in the North?" Daenerys asks her "Not me?"
"I would never ask it of you, you would never agree to it and if you did I would trust you even less than I do now", Cersei replies and the same can be said for her accepting the truce. I trust her even less than I did when I arrived.
She looks at me "I ask it only of Ned Stark's eldest daughter. Although you are by far the least honourable of his children and the most treasonous I pray the years and your role as Queen in the North have inspired you to be honourable. This I ask of Ned Starks daughter"
She's always been good with words, clever and manipulative. Calling out a Stark on their honour.
I look to my brother who shakes his head. Agreeing to the truce wouldn't be completely honourable, I've made by support of Daenerys's claim clear to her and by doing that I have taken sides even if I haven't bent the knee. However I am not fool enough to admit it, honour was what killed my father, I shall not make the same mistakes.
"I accept the terms of the truce", I say and Jaime gives me a questionable look but I ignore it, then I add "As long as you uphold your end of the truce"
She nods and I look at her and Daenerys, I can see that Daenerys understands that I've just lied to Cersei. Now is my only chance to get both of them to agree to what I want most.
"And by agreeing to the terms of this truce all involved recognise that the North is a free and independent kingdom, as well as my title of Queen in the North"
Tyrion gives me a look to say that I'm pushing it but I hold by ground.
I turn to Daenerys first. She looks taken aback by this but she knows I support her claim to the other six kingdoms.
"Agreed", she says but I can hear the reluctance in her voice.
"Fine", Cersei says not hiding the hostility in her voice "If you reject your claim on the West and my Lannister forces, as well as the title of Lady of Casterly Rock"
I look at Jaime "By right I am the Lord of Casterly Rock and as my wife she is the Lady of it", he says defending me "It's not a title she can reject"
"If she wants Northern independence she will withdraw her claim over the Westerlands as will you", she says to Jaime.
He looks conflicted, I'm about to tell him to claim what is his but he speaks before I can.
"Alright, for the time being the West is yours, we can squabble over it when the dead are dealt with", he says reluctantly.
"You will also withdraw your claim to call upon the Lannister banners and my men"
"Cersei, he is a Lannister", Tyrion reminds her but she isn't having it.
"He is in rebellion against the crown", she snaps. Now is my time to speak up.
"I will withdraw my claim to the title of Lady of Casterly Rock, the Westerlands and to the Lannister soldiers. However the men who have already pledged themselves to me will be counted as part of the Northern army and we will not call upon any more Lannister soldiers for the service of the North. Jaime will not withdraw his claim as Lord, we will deal the title after the Great War seeing who is still alive", I say and there are no arguments from either of them "There are seven kingdoms of Westeros, the Riverlands are part of the Kingdom of the Iron Islands"
"And your point is?", Cersei asks.
"The Riverlands have declared me their Queen and therefore they are no longer included in the Kingdom of the Iron Islands but in the Kingdom of the North"
Jon and Davos look at me in shock as does everyone else. The Kingdoms haven't been reformed in centuries.
"You should be grateful you are even being granted independence", Cersei hisses.
"You should be grateful I'm not claiming the Vale as part of my Kingdom", I reply knowing that for once I have the upper hand "For they have also declared me Queen"
Cersei glares at me clearly knowing this but Daenerys looks at me in shock.
"The Vale?" Daenerys asks.
"The Tully's have all declared for me, the Lord of the Vale Robyn Arryn is my cousin through my aunt Lysa Tully", I tell her. I never lied to her when I said the Tully's had declared for me.
"And what does Lord Edmure have to say about this?" Cersei asks.
"I'm already his Queen", I reply. I know that he would rather answer to me than Cersei or Daenerys "The Kingdom of the North which includes the North and the Riverlands is an independent and free kingdom, in return I will not choose sides nor will I call upon or march on any Lannister forces. I shall not take up arms against you or Daenerys now or after the truce. If the North is free I shall have no reason to"
Jaime even looks surprised by my bold declaration but he knows damn well that the Riverlands see me as their Queen. If I settle this now the North won't have to fight for its independence and the Riverlands will be safe from what they suffered at the hands of the Lannister's and the Mountain only mere years ago.
"Rayna", Jon says knowing I am pushing it.
"Agree to these terms or we will take a side in the coming war and I will exercise my claim on the Vale and the Westerlands", I warn and everyone knows that I am risking this entire truce but this is my one chance to do this.
Cersei knows she needs her men. She knows that I could easily take the Vale and the West with Jaimes support and then she would have half a Kingdom.
"Fine", Cersei agrees.
"Agreed", Daenerys says but I can see that she feels betrayed by me.
I do wish for friendship with her, I truly do but the North and my family comes first. The people of the Riverlands have fought and died for me. I'm not going to surrender them to Cersei or Daenerys. I will protect them from the war that is coming and future bloodshed.
"I will march my troops North to assist in the Great War, and Lady Stark you would be wise not to make any more claims", Cersei warns.
"Only one", I say and Jon looks like he's about to lose his shit at me "Lord Jaime is the rightful head of the Lannister house and he will march the Lannister men North and therefore oversee that all ends of the truce are being upheld"
I know that Cersei will cross us if she is given the chance. I may be tying Jaime's hands and keeping him in the south for a bit longer but if I don't I know that Cersei won't send the men.
She glares at Jaime "Fine, he will stay in the Capitol to organise the troops"
"Then we have come to an agreement", Tyrion says seeming relieved but also frustrated.
"Yes", I say
"Yes", Daenerys says but her voice is cold.
"Yes", Cersei agrees and she stands and is the first to leave.
Once she is gone I close my eyes and know that I'm about to have to answer to Daenerys and Jon and even to Jaime and Tyrion.

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