Eighty Nine

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That night I don't sleep. Sam and maester Wolkan spend it restitching the wounds I tore open.
"I told you not to-", Sam begins but when he catches my glare he quickly falls silent.
When they are done they promptly leave and I'm left alone with Brienne who has taken it upon herself to be my personal guard. However I do suppose that is her official position.
"He will come back", she tries telling me but after she sees the look in my eyes she doesn't dare speak. I can't bring myself to form any words. For if I open my mouth to speak I fear that all that will come out will be a scream.
Everyone leaves except for Brienne who stands by my door giving me a nervous glance.
"You can guard on the other side of the door", I croak knowing how cold I sound but I can't bare to look at anyone. I can't have anyone see me like this.
She nods and when the door closes I rest my head back on my pillow and allow my tears to come as a sob escapes me.
He's gone. Jaime is gone and he may never return. The pain turns to rage and it burns me up until all that is left is bitterness.
I can't give myself hope, if he isn't stopped he will die in that city and I cannot raise fatherless children.
Time blurs together as I'm confined to bed, it's finally interrupted by the door opening.
"Rayna", Sansa says carefully as she walks in clutching a letter "How are you?"
"How do you think?"
From the look on her face I can tell she has greater worries than my health. Something has happened.
"What news do you have?"
She opens her mouth and nervously informs me "The riders have returned, they couldn't find him"
I'm unsurprised, Jaime had a head start and he knew that I'd send men after him but even so I have to blink away tears.
"And?" I ask looking at the letter she holds.
As she opens it I can see her hands trembling from here and my stomach falls.
"Varys has been executed for treason"
In the distance a wolf howls and that's all can be heard aside from our shallow breathing.
With a shaking hand I take the letter from her.

Varys has been executed. He plotted and attempted to assassinate her and presumably put Jon on the throne. He is safe but if she discovers the truth I cannot protect you.

There's no signature or seal but it could only be from Tyrion. It wouldn't have been hard for him to figure out Varys's true plan but by the sound of the letter Daenerys is still ignorant to it.
"If Varys tried to have her assassinated then we must have been right, she's going to burn that city", I say quietly knowing in my gut I am right. I've known what she was ever since that day on the battlefield and Bran has seen the future. He has seen fire and blood.
"Varys is dead, we don't have any other allies that are with Daenerys", Sansa says as her voice quietens in fear.
"Yes we do", I correct her "We have Tyrion and Jon, they know what she is and their loyalty is the only thing that has stopped them from turning on her. When that loyalty is compromised they will turn"
"And how would it be compromised?", she scoffs and I give her a long look.
"Do you really think I haven't planned for this?" I ask her "In the end Jon will always put his family first and Tyrion will as well. He knows that if Daenerys turns on me then Jaime will be the first one she has executed. If they believe she poses a threat to us they will turn"
"She does pose a threat", she says curtly as she begins pacing the room "Tyrion may not divulge the truth to her but if she figures it out she will burn Winterfell to the ground"
She would however I've thought everything through, Daenerys is more predictable than she thinks. She will put one goal before anything else, the Iron Throne.
"She won't dare come for us until she has the throne, she is going to burn that city to the ground and then the people of Westeros will turn on her. The battle will weaken her", I tell her then I add "If she even survives the battle that is"
"So that's your grande plan, we overthrow her", she laughs "She has a dragon, no political resistance can stop a dragon"
"No but artillery can", I remind her "And besides Arya is going south, if the city falls and Daenerys survives Arya will take care of her"
"So you would risk our little sister?" She exclaims and I almost roll my eyes.
"You and Arya and Bran had an equal part in this plot", I remind her curtly "Arya is a trained assassin. I know you are afraid but we will survive this"
She nods but she's still shaking "What will happen if she takes the city? If she gives no warning, if she flies for Winterfell?"
"We will be prepared", I assure her praying I am not being overconfident but the fear is creeping in "Do you think we are doing the right thing"
"Yes but at what cost?" she asks and I see her courage is failing. I can't blame her.
"The North", I remind her "Everything we have done is for our home and our family"
I am the head of House Stark. I made this decision with my families blessing to protect us. Now is not the time to doubt it. If Varys tried to kill her he was finally sure which side her coin would land on.
"Paper", I ask and she fetches it for me. I quickly draft a letter to Tyrion.

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