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"Jackson, catch!" A boy with silky brown hair and a boxy grin shouted as he threw the stick across the area.

As he fiddled with the hem of his shirt he watched the wolf across him retrieve the stick. Although he learnt this trick from the campers around his area, they brought their dog (for hunting purposes) in and he saw the owner playing "fetch" with the dog.

"Good boy, Jackson," he muttered lowly as he adoringly stared at his cousin, the only one who loved him completely.
His name was Kim Taehyung, though he was a half blooded wolf in which most of his family didn't accept.

Jackson came back with the stick Taehyung threw, then the boy crouched down to pet him. Knowing Jackson couldn't understand the human language since he's a pure blooded wolf and he will go back to his aunt and uncle's territory, Taehyung changed himself back into a black wolf with silver eyes in which when he morphs his eyes glow with a brilliant silver, matching the color of his eyes. His body involuntarily changes when he sense danger or rather when he is other wolves in order to have clearer communication. He stood proudly intimidating much more than an alpha wolf of a pack, yet his gaze for his cousin is yet of a loving one, gentle despite his dangerous stature. He went closer to him and nuzzled his nose, they'd do that quite often, which symbolised their fondness with each other.


"It was fun playing with you Taehyung, I'm glad that you can be human to play with me," Jackson put his paw on the latter's head as he beamed. They would do many things together besides fetch, they would hunt together for small animals, usually not go for harmless hikers and campers despite living in the wild. At first Jackson wanted to hunt for the said humans but Taehyung taught him not to unless in danger. Although there were legends circulating amongst the village people that said Taehyung's kind is dangerous when in fact it is usually the hunters' fault, being  the cause of aggression.

"Let's go back before auntie and uncle gets mad," he warned the younger before they headed back to their territory
As they entered the cave, Taehyung was once greeted by an angry growl, coming from none other than his uncle and aunt.

His uncle, Jun, glared at him and turned his back on him. His mate on the other hand just ignored Taehyung and laid on her stomach in one corner of the territory, guarding over the deer they hunted earlier.

Taehyung looked at both of his guardians and Jackson prodded him to go with him in his own territory in the area. They both sat down and Taehyung asked him, "Jackson, why is it that I never felt that auntie and uncle loved me? Is there something wrong with me? Is it because I am a hybrid?

"Look," he began.

"I know for sure that there is nothing wrong with you despite you being different from the rest of us. I do not know why my parents are exactly mad at you but I love you, Taehyung, I could not imagine growing up without my closest cousin."

Taehyung's heart swelled right then and there, ever since they were puppies, they made a pact that they will protect each other, even if it means that their flesh and blood will be their enemy. Blood isn't definitely thicker than water, just because Taehyung experiences mistreatment from them, it does not mean that it will be tolerated. Although as much as he knew this, he just couldn't leave because of Jackson, his only reason to live even if he felt like dying in the inside each minute due to his uncle's harsh treatments.

He would endure everything for Jackson

Every drop of his blood

Every shedding of his tears

All for Jackson.

He thought that the physical and mental pain he would experience would not compare to the pain of thinking of leaving Jackson. Keyword: Think , and to do it would kill him.

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