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For the past week of his injury, Jungkook did nothing but to take care of him. He had never seen him this nurturing as someone who leads a mafia group.

"Let me help you remove the bandage off of your arm, Taehyung," Jungkook gently unwrapped the bandage that suffocated Taehyung's skin. Once free, he set it on the nightstand.

"Thank you, Kook," Taehyung told him.

Jungkook smiled at him and sweetly told him, "anytime."

Silence fell on the room until Jungkook had to leave, "if you need anything, just call me." He walked away after saying that.

"Wait!" He called and Jungkook spun on his heel and walked back to him.

"Yes, Taehyung?" He questioned.

"Why are you so nice to me? Not that I'm complaining but you seem so warm under the cold facade you mask as a leader. Why me?"


Now that the question has been raised, Jungkook started thinking. Why was he so sweet and caring towards him?

Jungkook spaced out for a while and bit his lip in deep thought. He then noticed Taehyung staring at him while hiding a smile and he felt his heart twitch, so he bent down to his eye level and their lips almost brushed.

Taehyung's face reddened and he was enjoying it.

"Who wouldn't care for such a boy like you? You're so," he didn't continue the sentence and he looked at Taehyung's lips.

Taehyung shoved a pillow on Jungkook and he gritted while his cheeks heated, "stop flirting with me!"

Jungkook had a smug grin on his lips and he pulled away before he sat on a chair beside Taehyung's bed.

"S-Seriously, answer my question. Why me?"

"Of course you were hurt, and it was natural for me to help you," replied he.

"Do you do this to Namjoon? Or Yoongi? Jimin?" He raised an eyebrow as he asked.

He emitted thinking sounds and knitted his eyebrows together before he got to answer, "sometimes, but the maids usually take care of them."

"I didn't have a maid take care of me," Taehyung blurted out.

"Umm. Actually," he cracked a sheepish smile with a light blush on his cheeks. Taehyung looked at him as if he were lost.

"I-I need to get going. I have to meet up with Namjoon," he bid and dashed out of the room.

He closed the door behind him and leaned on it. With his head tilted back and a hand against  his chest, he was contemplating on what Taehyung had thought. Why him? Why only him?

Then his heart started beating fast, it was like a turbulence inside him ; haywire.

He couldn't explain the weird feelings. Was this his first time to feel this way for someone? He thought on that until he heard his phone vibrate through the pocket of his sweatpants.

He put the phone to his ear and he answered without sparing a second to look at the caller ID, "what the fuck do you want?!"

"It's Namjoon you dimwit!" The caller shouted back which caused Jungkook to wince and put his phone at a distance.

He put the phone back near his ear after a while and answered, "I'm so sorry. You just scared the shit out of me."

Namjoon scoffed and asked annoyingly, "when are you going to meet me? I've been waiting for the past 30 minutes."

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