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"Where did you hide the body?" A woman asked, as she rested a cigar on her red tinted lips. She released her tension through the rings of smoke that clouded.

"We put her in a bag and dumped her body in a river," one of her men replied.

"A river?! A RIVER?!" She pressed deep down on the cigarette plate with the cigar butt crushing. She smashed the dish on the floor afterwards.

"People will eventually see that. And guess what? They will report it to the media! How stupid can you guys get?!" With her frustration, their bodies tensed up.

"The moment we killed her and was about to bury her, s-someone's footsteps were railing behind us so we had to think fast. Digging the hole deeper will take a while so we dumped her body into the nearby river to run away," answered one of them with fear of their boss.

"This is not good," said she as she paced back and forth around her office with a clenched jaw.


Later on that night he and Namjoon had a couple of Namjoon's most expensive alcoholic beverages.

"Ah shit Kook you're so drunk," he hit Jungkook's shoulder and Namjoon's limbs were all over the sofa, with his back slumped against it and one leg settling on the armrest.

Jungkook cackled with a drop of saliva dripping down his chin. He wiped it off with his hand and drunkenly grinned.

"You're no different," he slurred.

Namjoon was able to stand firmly as he wasn't as drunk as Jungkook, who had exaggeratedly a gallon to drink off.

"Let's get you home, Taehyung will probably wonder where you are," he slung Jungkook's weak arm around his shoulders and the other shook his head with a smile.

"He knows I'm here with you. Don't worry, Joon," he assured. It looked like he was about to fall asleep with every word that came out of his mouth.

Namjoon rolled his eyes and put his hands on his hips, "you're drunk, highly doubt that you can drive properly."

Jungkook hummed disapprovingly and contradicted, "I can. I've done this."

"Remember when you ran over a woman crossing the streets? While you were DRUNK?" He stressed on the last word with a harsh grit on his teeth.

Jungkook chuckled and shook his head. He tilted his head backwards and licked his lips.

"J-Just go home," he stammered as he face palmed.

Jungkook wouldn't budge so Namjoon lifted him from the couch and dragged him to the exit of his house.

Jungkook was about to slip from Namjoon's grip until the latter caught him just in time. "Geez, you're so heavy," he struggled to catch his breath as he tried lifting him.

Jungkook groaned as he felt the sharp pain in his head take over his state of mind.

After a few minutes, Namjoon was finally able to bring Jungkook out of his home, but his next struggle was bringing Jungkook to his car.

Namjoon is a pretty clumsy person so he was trying his very best not to drop the drunk man. Sometimes others wonder on how was he qualified to be part of the mafia clan with his clumsiness.

And then it happened...

Namjoon accidentally dropped Jungkook to the ground and the latter just laid there with a disgruntled look on his flushed face with his arms sprawled all over the ground.

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