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He came home late, probably around 1:00am, he wanted to take his mind off of things through a long slumber in his bedroom. He closed the front door behind him, removed his shoes and went straight for his room. Once there, he took off his coat, not realizing Taehyung's absence.

He only realized it when there's no more low growl at reach, and his eyes endlessly darted around his room.

"Tae?" He wandered around the room, going to every nook and cranny but he is nowhere to be found.

He checked the other rooms, but he was not there.

Jungkook didn't forget the hallways too, but no sign of his wolf was there.

"TAE!? Where are you?!" He ran to every corner of the mansion, and he is nowhere to be found. "I must check the greenhouse!" He claimed.

He got an umbrella before heading out. He didn't care if there was thunder outside, he had to find him.

Jungkook entered the greenhouse and checked every area but still no luck.

"How about if I go for the pool side?" He wasted no time and ran there.

His eyes scanned around the area, even under the loungers, but no avail.

Jungkook went back in the mansion then mumbled, "maybe he'll come back. I'll continue to search for him tomorrow."

After he went upstairs and washed his hair, he changed in comfortable pajamas to sleep.

Then morning came back with clear skies and a bright sun, wanting to remind everyone that there's a new day to repent, fix yesterday's mistakes and make new decisions.

Jungkook fluttered his eyes open, "it's morning already?" He stood up and stretched to wake him up from the fact that it's a brand new day.


He woke up, with Hoseok by his side.

Hoseok then woke up next afterwards, a smile creeping up on his lips.

"Good morning, Tae," with joy he greeted

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"Good morning, Tae," with joy he greeted.

"Let's get some breakfast!" He ruffled his black fur and stood up in which the wolf followed afterwards.

"Let's see, what do we have here?" He rummaged through the pantry to see his selections.

"Ah! Let's have some sausage and Belgian waffles, what do you think?" as if he were human, he asked.

"That would be a great idea, " a sleepy voice spoke to Hoseok.

He looked at where the voice came from, he saw Jungkook smiling while taking a sip of tea.

"He was scared of the thunder so he ran to my room. He's such a child," Hoseok told.

Jungkook ignored Hoseok's statement and averted his gaze on the black wolf, yet delivering, "you kept me all night looking for you."

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