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It has been two weeks since Lisa died, and it was ruining Jimin slowly. Jungkook even visited him at least twice per week, and his mind was still clouded with Lisa's blood creating a pool that could never surpass the tears that his eyes shed.

But do you know who's affected the most?


He pressed the doorbell of Jimin's penthouse with a shaky finger, hoping not to be shut out again. He bit his bottom lip and tapped his foot on the ground.

Jimin's broken state made his heart bleed, it was like as if he felt the pain that Jimin had experienced, except it was a whole lot of a different story:

Seeing Jimin's heart shout for someone who's dead, while Yoongi was there all along to give him the love he had long deserved. Even before he met Lisa.

His eyes started to blur due to the tears, and the tears finally broke down into a rain on his cheeks. He balled his fist and silently cried. He hated his beloved get crushed into a harsh reality check. He hated seeing him in a lost state that he didn't even notice that someone wanted to love him. He hated to see his eyes redden of the nightless tears that watered a bush of thorns prickling in Yoongi's heart. Instead, he wanted to see his eyes turn into crescents which would make a reason for him to love the night sky.

"Jimin! Come out! Let's talk," he yelled and was returned with a shriek, "go away, Yoongi!"

Then he heard shattering of glasses and falling of furnitures from the inside, his eyes widened of worrisome so he had no choice but to put his strength to the test by breaking down the door.

He threw himself to collide with the door, it didn't budge so he tried once more.

Jimin's cries got louder each time he tried to break open the door, and he heard a vase hit the door, followed with a blood curdling bawl, "leave me the fuck alone, Yoongi!"

Finally he was able to get in by shooting the doorknob to unlatch the lock, it flew open and Yoongi rushed inside, ignoring the mess that decorated Jimin's complex.

He then followed the sounds of Jimin's cries and once his feet took him to his bedroom, he saw Jimin on the ground, tears reddening his eyes and teeth biting against his lips.

"Jimin!" He shouted and lifted him from the ground and laid him on the bed. He held his hands with both of his own hands and tears watered his cheeks when he paid full attention to Jimin: wounds on his arms and disheveled hair took appearance on him.

"What are you even doing here, Yoongi?" His question was accented with exhaustion, but at the same time it was with a hint of annoyance as Yoongi visited him frequently.

"Jimin!" He cried out as he cupped his face. He hugged him and Jimin was confused as to why his friend is hugging him, and the hug rubbed him in a different way, not just of friendly affection so he pulled away and collapsed his head on the pillow.

Distraught, Yoongi pouted slightly but shrugged it off when he asked and gripped on his shoulders, yet the other wore a surprised expression on his face. Before Jimin could question his sudden touch, Yoongi broke down in tears and shakily asked, "wh-what's going on with y-you? I know L-Lisa died but—-"

He looked down, avoiding Jimin's blank eyes because he then would finally tell him how he truly felt for Jimin. He thought it was rather foolish because it's no use to tell him and that his heart beats for someone else.

"Jimin," he called his name and his face reddened.

Then he had the courage to blurt out, "I'm here for you! I've been here way too long than Lisa! If only you knew how much I love you! Seeing you like this hurts me much more than you know. Give me a chance to love you and mend your heart!" He kissed Jimin's hand repeatedly as he made his confession.

Jimin chuckled softly, "now is not the time to make jokes, Yoongs."

Yoongi then shouted and pounded the cushion against his palm, "no! What I feel for you is no joke, Jimin! Do you think I know how to fake something that I have felt for such a long time?! Or fake something that I had mustered my courage for?! If only you knew how much I tried to suppress my feelings for you because you would judge me because I like a man. If only you knew how much it breaks my heart when I see you talking with Lisa! If only you knew how even in my dreams my arms yearn to encase you with the warmth that I never knew I had!"

Jimin was left speechless for a while. Yoongi realised how much he blurted out and backed away for a little.

"I-I don't know what to say, Yoongi," he stuttered and leaned against the headboard, feeling more messed up when he learnt that Yoongi loves him more than a friend.

Yoongi saw him through a vision of gloss, more tears ready to stream. He grabbed Jimin's hand, feeling the warmth of his palms give temperature to Jimin's cold clammy hands. He put it close to his chest and begged, "please, Jimin. I'll do anything to make you feel better."

Jimin shook his head and ejected his hand away, he told him, "no."

Yoongi's heart dropped to his stomach when he heard that. Must he be judging him, Yoongi might've regretted confessing. He was afraid that he would get laughed at or made fun of. But why? Because he loved him?

Jimin closed his eyes and silently sobbed, "I love Lisa and only Lisa. Nothing can make me change my mind."

The black haired man emitted such pitiful sobs. Jimin eyed him apologetically, not wanting to say more words.

"Jimin," he called with care and sorrow.

The called man allotted his attention on the crying man once more.


He wiped his tears harshly. First, Lisa's death and now this? With his friend's revelation, nothing could get any messier. Never did he had in mind that Yoongi had such love for him—-a love that was never noticed.

He never once caught on the littlest ways Yoongi could express his liking for him. Like the blush that spread across his cheeks when he gets near, or the tenderness that richly bathed his voice whenever Jimin approaches him.

Among all the other gang, Yoongi was the one who cared for him the most, or better yet, believed in him.

The atmosphere they were in was too heavy for the purple haired male, including his heart.

His muscles tensed and he felt like he couldn't move from where he was.

Jimin brought up a hand to Yoongi's cheek to caress it. Yoongi was taken aback from his actions. Jimin noticed this and spoke, "you're really a good man Yoongi, but I know that someday you can find someone better than me. I am in a mess right now and I think it's best if you love someone else instead."

"But you have no idea on how long I've liked you," he protested. Jimin shook his head again and with the guilt lumping his throat he croaked out through choked sobs, "I'm really sorry, Yoongi but I don't feel the same way for you. I have to say this but I never really thought that you love me."

Jimin sighed and he sat up, " I know that sometimes you would say 'I love you' to me when you're drunk but whenever I would ask you about it you would shrug it off saying that you love me as your own brother."


He shouldn't have confessed.

He should've just stayed back.

He knew that it would be useless to say what he truly felt but he was too desperate to make Jimin much better again.

He hung his head low and silently sobbed. All he wanted now is to make Jimin smile the way he used to and his heart.

'I'll take care of you, Jimin. No matter how much you try to push me away. Whether as friends or something more than that, I'll be by your side for as long as you want.'

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