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He woke up earlier than Jungkook, the sky with the sun rising, was the first he envisioned. 'It's a start of a new day,' he got up from the floor, stretched and walked towards the window to watch the sun with a definite brilliance.

'These hues of orange and yellow, such one of nature's best gift.'

Minutes passed by and Jungkook woke up, "good morning Tae," Taehyung got startled as he turned and saw Jungkook in his black sweatpants, messy bed hair, and shirtless, knelt down close behind him.

'I-Umm,' his eyes traveled from his head to toe.

"I insist to call you Tae to shorten your name so don't look at me like that," he said since Taehyung deeply growled.

"Still mad at me?" Jungkook asked. It's been weeks and all that Taehyung ever did was to growl and bark at him.

'I-I don't know,' Taehyung actually started to rethink, why was he mad at Jungkook in the first place? Could it be that he was already so used to being mistreated whenever he encounters a human?

From time to time, Jungkook could get quite moody at times, so that would embark an impression that he's mean to Taehyung.

"Let's go!" Jungkook was the first to break the silence after a few minutes and they both went to the dining area.

"Good morning, sir," the young maid greeted cheerfully.

"Here's your breakfast!" The personal cook gave Jungkook his plate which contained scrambled eggs, toast and bacon.

Taehyung's stomach grumbled as he saw the plate.

'Is this what humans eat? Damn that looks good,' he took a sniff and it smelled great, if you saw his face, he was drooling.

He jumped on Jungkook "What? You want some?" he sliced a piece of bacon, Taehyung just blankly stared at him and didn't go near him.

"And who might this be?" he knelt down to touch Taehyung which caused him flinch at the stranger that seemed to appear out of nowhere.

'Who's this guy? I've never seen him before!' Cautiously, he moved back and growled.

Jungkook chuckled, "Taehyung, don't be like that. He's Jung Hoseok, my helper. Don't worry, he's a good guy, he's been with me for years already."

"Don't worry, I won't hurt you." He smiled.

'You sure smile a lot, Hoseok. Besides that's what most humans tell me back in my days when I was in the forest.'


"Oh, there's a gigantic black wolf there." A hunter pointed out.

"What? Where?" His accomplice looked around the area, trying to find Taehyung.

The huntsman shushed him, "Over there." He whispered and pointed to where Taehyung is.

"Oh yeah. Looks like a new animal that you can preserve."

The huntsman and his accomplice hunt animals to preserve them for display, like a deer for example, they kill it, preserve and hang its head along with the neck in their cabin. Not only that but they also sell them.

"Don't you think we already had plenty of wolves?" He asked.

"But boss, take a second look, he's gigantic, none of our wolves are as big as that fella." They eyed Taehyung drinking by the clear riverbank.

Little did they know that Taehyung heard everything, even if they're from afar, hiding from the bushes.

He didn't leave yet because being the fearless he is, he wants to challenge them. He loves challenges, regardless of difficulty.

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