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After two hours, the helicopter ride was nothing to be heard of but Y/N's happy humming. Getting loads of money plus Jungkook getting killed, she sure is very flourishing with good luck. Taehyung's eyes were swollen and red from the crying, he lifelessly eyed the horizon in front of him.

The lump in his throat stopped him from emitting nothing but sobs. His daggering glare descended on Y/N, his mind working irrationally.

Their eyes met briefly and she laughed to poke fun at him, "poor you! Look at yourself you pathetic sad excuse of a hybrid. I wonder what your dead dad will have to say when he his son acting like a brat—-crying over anything."

"Say that again," he dared her, a killer's grin playing across his lips.

"I wonder what——" he lunged at her and choked her hard. She was grasping for air as the pressure on her neck's increasing.

"You bitch! I hope you die now!" He dug his nails into her neck.

She quickly got out of his hands and ran to the pilot's room—-she wasn't in her right mind as of that moment so that's the first door she saw.

He chased after her swiftly and pulled her by the hair. Taehyung then banged her head on the controls that the helicopter was having some technical problems and turbulence. He knocked out the crew before they reacted.

"Shit shit shit," he fondled with the buttons to make it stable but unfortunately it can't be solved.

The helicopter then was almost crashing back to the land. He went to a corner, shut his eyes and braced himself, preparing for what will be in store of him.

It did not take long before it finally crashed, he knocked into unconsciousness, blood trickling down from his forehead and a couple of glass shards piercing his flesh.

After a while, a medic team came, sirens of ambulances firing around the forest. Luckily a trekker found the mishap of a destruction and called for help.

Everyone but Taehyung and Y/N died, after all Taehyung was still unconscious while Y/N was the first to wake up.


The sirens blasted everywhere around you, and you tilted your head in confusion seeing the helicopter crew being brought out by the medic teams.

"What's your name miss?" A petite lady interrogated you. Your head hurt and you shouted in agony when you held your head. Her shoulders stiffened," miss?"

All what you could think of Jungkook——in a dark and psychotic way. Flashbacks of you and him invaded you inevitably. From the first time you met him to the last, it all played in your memories but the thing is, it's distorted and deranged.

You knelt down and screamed, tears glossing your swollen eyes.

The woman repeatedly asked if you're okay. Her patience was thinning after several attempts of getting your attention so she shouted, "I'm trying to help you here! Cooperate with me, miss!"

You looked at her, in which you plastered a hard glare for a period of time. Then you suddenly howled, making her jump slightly.

"I-I think y-you need h-help," an intern like her didn't know how to react so she scurried until you grabbed her by the hair. You lifted her from the ground.

"N-Need to-to kill him!" Your head erratically moved while your eyes were wide.

You slammed her face into the wall and her high pitched scream grabbed the attention of the other medic team. A group gathered around you and shot a sedative on your arm. The two of them held an arm each.

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