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Another weekend came and Jin was at home. A huge smile crept on his face as soon as he was reflected by the brilliance of noon's appearance on the clear skies.

He sat up and fixed his gaze at the stainless steel wolf bracelet placed on top of his nightstand. Taehyung rubbed his eyes before reaching his hand out to examine the bracelet.

He tried it on and rested his chin on his palm, with his elbow placed on his knee. He couldn't stop staring at the simple yet eye catching ornament. 'I wonder how's Jin doing?' Still wearing the bracelet, he opened the door and cascaded down the spiral stairs.

And as usual, he would see Jin's back, preparing a meal for them to eat. He leaned by the wall to watch him cook and the way he'd cook, he couldn't help but think that he resembles so much of a housewife. Not that he's one but the apron accentuated the whole idea.

The stove was turned off by the broad shouldered man, he casted them down the plate and skilfully gave it an appetising presentation.

Both his gentle hands carried the plates and they saw each other, Jin carried a smug but appeasing smile with him before he greeted him, "good morning, V."

He set them down on the table and swiftly pulled out a chair for him to sit on. Taehyung slouched on the soft chair and his slipper covered feet lightly kicked the air.

They started collecting their utensils and ate. The atmosphere was quiet but not awkward, it was more of a comfortable silence. Sometimes you needn't words to communicate, especially if they're pretty pointless.

After their silent breakfast, with Jin stealing shy glances from the hybrid once in a while then the doctor was the first to get up to wash the dishes that he held in both hands.

"Jin, why were you staring at me earlier?" This caused him to almost drop the dishes.


You can't blame him if he thought that he's cute right?

That's exactly what's in his thoughts. He found Taehyung cute and fascinating. It's like he doesn't want to let him go anymore.

Now don't get me wrong on this one, of course he tried contacting people during his shift in the hospital the first few days he stayed with him but to no avail, they couldn't figure out his identity.

Hey may sound horrible but he's a tiny bit thankful that he'll be with him for as long as his memory is still fogged.

He responded to the man anticipating for his answer, "I have a habit of staring at people, just please don't mind it."

"Not the kind to pry but, why would you have that kind of habit? It seems peculiar for someone assertive like you," he leaned on the table and intertwined his own fingers.

He couldn't come up with a reasonable excuse. Jin couldn't just say that he found Taehyung really cute. It has always been awkward for him whenever he found a guy pleasing to the eyes.


He scribbled random nothings on his notebook, with no one to talk to. He's a little bit of a loner in his class and all he'd do is observe people from afar.

He pushed up the metal rimmed glasses to the bridge of his nose and he stopped scribbling when he heard murmurs in his class.

'What's the matter?' He looked up and he saw a really handsome guy enter the classroom with his friends.

He tried to conceal his smile by biting his bottom lip and he averted his gaze to the rainy sky. He felt someone stare at him and he turned to see that cute boy.

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