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"Jungkook, tell us, what do you really feel for Taehyung?" Yoongi asked as he drank.

Jungkook choked on his drink as he was asked. He coughed until he could finally speak properly again.

"Pardon?" He heard the question but he wants to hear it clearer.

"I said, what do you really feel for Taehyung?" Yoongi repeated the question.

Namjoon and Jimin leaned closer, anticipating for his answer.

"Remember that time we chased him down?" He asked, they all nodded in response.

"Well, to be honest I'm feeling quite confused, sometimes I would unconsciously steal glances from him and that," he clicked his tongue and clenched his jaw.

But then he continued, "it's too soon to even say that I like him."

"You're right, it's too soon. I think what you should do is that, try talking or getting to know him more. He may be feisty, but I can sense that he is a good person deep inside.

Over time, that's when you'll be able to know your feelings for him," Yoongi suggested.

"Since when did our sleepyhead become a cupid?" Namjoon put an arm around him and started messing up his black hair.

"Is Yoongi seeing someone now?" Jimin asked.

"Screw off guys, and for your information, I'm still single," Yoongi spat.

"But he's right y'know, you need to talk to him more. Or better yet, spend time with him."

"Joon—-" he was interrupted.

"You mean the problem? We will try to find a solution or clue while you're at it," Namjoon winked and took a shot.

"Oh c'mon, this is more important?" He crossed his arms.

"I know deep inside you want it," Jimin wiggled his eyebrows suggestively.

"We know you. What Jungkook wants Jungkook gets," Yoongi stated.

Namjoon drank all the contents on his glass, "just go for it. I don't care how long it takes. We'll contact you if we find something."

"I'll agree if you let me work too. I can help you guys just by going to my private office. Besides, I'll visit the office sometime."

"That's the spirit!" Jimin clapped and raised both of his arms.

"Just don't spend majority of your time there, 'kay?" Namjoon patted his head.

"M'kay," He shrugged and slumped his shoulders on the sofa.

"Also, don't forget to tell us details too. Be it vague or complete," Jimin added.

"Our boy's growing up, I can't,"Namjoon almost broke into tears.

"C'mon guys. I grew up a long time already," he chuckled since he's the youngest among them.

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