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He has been averting his gazes ever since they got to the living room after breakfast.

"What's wrong, Tae?" Jungkook tried to make the dog face him but he just couldn't turn his head.

'I don't know how to face you after yesterday. I just thought about it again and it's driving me crazy, making me want to be a human right in front of you. Yet I saw you differently the moment your intense eyes locked into mine yesterday. I don't know honestly, I keep seeing you under another light.'

Hoseok's smile disappeared and it was replaced with concern. "Jungkook, what happened to him?"

Jungkook approached Taehyung, who attempted to avoid him.

"Tae, please listen to me. Just for now at least. I want to talk to you."

Taehyung still averted his gaze.

'Talk to me? Thanks to you I feel more tensed.'

"Why do you have to look super tense today? That's not the Tae I knew. Come on, don't be like this." Jungkook pleaded.

He still didn't look at the dark haired man.

"Eyes, Tae." his gaze kept going everywhere

"Look at me!" He still didn't follow his demand

Jungkook has little to no patience, he forcefully grabbed Taehyung by the collar.

"If I say look at me, you better. I am not putting up for your bullshit if you insist." He glared at the hybrid.

"You scared him, Jungkook." Hoseok told him.

"Well he needs a dash of dominance sometimes." He growled at Taehyung.

"Look at him, he's literally terrified now!" Hoseok pointed out.

Jungkook irritably sighed "Be lucky you got away with it. Next time I won't be this nice to you." He pointed at Taehyung and walked away.

He turned for the last time to glare at Hoseok and went on his way.

The orange haired male went to the wolf and knelt down before him "Don't worry about him. He's just really strict so next time just follow what he says. I know there are times we don't follow instructions but he isn't the person to mess with like that."

'The way he grabbed my collar, shit.'


"Let's do this somewhere, boss." A blonde woman with a red dress straddled Jungkook on his office chair, stared at his brown eyes so seductively whilst biting her red lips.

Jungkook continued to leave kisses on the blonde woman while grinding on her.

He needed to forget the man he met

He needed to feel like man again

He needed to remind himself that he likes women

He needed to vent out frustration

He stopped for a while "Can't we do it here? You're already in the perfect place," the woman traced her painted fingers on Jungkook's exposed chest and played with his necktie that he still wore.

"Babe, they'll hear us."

Jungkook put his thumb on the woman's bottom lip and traced it down to her chin. "I don't give a fuck. Why should I? I own this place and you here, just a mere worker, telling me what to do. " He reached the back zipper of her dress to unzip it until someone knocked on his office.

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