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"So he just showed up at your closet just like that?" Yoongi wryly asked as he took a sip of champagne. 

"Fuck! Why did he have to leave?" Jungkook raged as he put on a shirt and a pair of shorts.

"So you met him huh?" Namjoon asked.

"What did his face look like?" Jimin curiously interrogated.

"His face. Fuck! How can I start? His face is perfect, and he's the most beautiful I've ever seen." he sat down on the bed.

"Prettier than the girls that you've been with?" Yoongi asked

"Don't get me started on that, they're shit compared to him." He spat out.

"Dude, you need to take care of that before it explodes," Namjoon subtly pointed at Jungkook's crotch area.

He looked down "Huh? Oh shit!" And he went to the restroom.

"That boy must be a looker to make him like that," Jimin stated.

"Did you see how he spoke about that guy? He has the hots for him," Yoongi spoke.

"Ahh, fuck!" They heard him shout.

Namjoon pointed. "See that? We must really find him otherwise he'll go crazy."


He hid behind a tall tree and he saw that the coast is clear, he took off the clothes and changed back in to a wolf.

He carried those clothes on his way home and he saw some expensive cars in front of the house that were about to leave.

Taehyung arrived at their room, hid the clothes somewhere and sat down on the ground.

'He was quite different, but the way he looked into me, it's like he could see the depths of my soul. Is this the man I hated? Why is it that I'm feeling queasy from all of this? Is this truly the man that I wanted to converse with? 'Taehyung rested his head on the floor.

Jungkook exited the bathroom looking like he took a huge dump.

"Taehyung, you couldn't believe who I met earlier." He dryly told him.

'You met my human form, duh.'

He sat down on a chair "Come here," he waved and he went there.

He rested his chin on his palm "I finally met the guy who saved me. He just showed up. Weird but I think we were meant to meet."

'Yes because he's been with you,' 

He bit his lower lip "Yeah I know it's insane but I want to see him again. He seems like a tough and interesting person."

'M-Me? Interesting? Seriously?'

He ran his fingers through his hair "I was attracted to him the first time I met him."

A tear dropped from his cheek, "The sad thing was that, he seemed mad at me, like I pissed him off the first time we met."

'The thing was, I didn't trust you. You acted way differently than you would with others and this makes me more wary of you. I don't even know if I want to talk to to you anymore.'

If only that Taehyung is bold enough to face him with his true self

If only pretending to be normal is easy

If only the cowardice didn't constantly invade him

If only he could take risks. 

And if only he could say the whole thought to his face.

How far is he going to keep this up?

Suddenly his subconscious spoke up that Jungkook might've acted like that with many girls, you know who he is.

"A penny for your thoughts?" Jungkook smiled at him.

'Jungkook, if only you knew,'

He leaned back and stared back at him. "You know, for a wolf you sure think a lot of stuff. Sometimes when I look at you, I wonder what you're always thinking."

He whined, showing denial.

Jungkook chuckled "Don't lie to me. I know because when you think deeply, you become motionless. I wonder if your brain is a library, I'd sure like to enter it and have a piece of your thoughts."

He patted the hybrid's head. "If you were human, we'd have a lot of things to talk about. So if you become one, don't forget to give me a piece of your mind."

'You just met me earlier, Jungkook.'

" Here's the thing though, I'll tell you." He came closer to Taehyung's face.

'Oh no, here we go again.'

"It's the first time I'm gay for someone like what the hell? That guy hit me hard."

'What the hell does gay mean?'

He bit his lip, "His soft deep voice is something I'd always want to hear. I want to hear it like a broken disk, over and over again," he came closer to Taehyung.

He pulled away, laughing. "Come on! You look tensed, loosen up." He ruffled his fur.

"You're great you know that?" he smiled.

He yawned while stretching, "I think it's time for me to hit the hay."

Taehyung went close to the bed to rest his whole body on the floor like a rug.

"Good night," his voice lacked energy when he greeted.

Jungkook put his arm on Taehyung like a pillow and slept.

He turned to see the man sleeping beside him.

'Did he really want to see me? Again? This man, who girls would die for, wants me?'

Ever since he met Jungkook, his mind always went in a haze. With every gaze that's met with him, interest sparks in his eyes. 

But something crossed his mind,

'What if its all attraction? Maybe he does this to all his women and I just got my hopes up. Wait a minute, why would I think about this too much? This should be nothing! I don't even like him!"

He released a frustrated whine then turn his back.

Taehyung released a sigh. 'He'll forget it tomorrow. I shouldn't even think too hard about this and besides, it's not like it's very important, it will be all a laughing matter soon.'

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