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"WHAT DID YOU DO TO HER?!" Jungkook spat.

He smirked and chuckled in a sinister manner, he nonchalantly answered, "she's dead."

"That's a lie!"

The assailant shook his head, Jungkook wanted to rip that smirk off of his lips. He had no time for games.

Out of fury, he whistled, which called Taehyung. He taught him beforehand on the cue to enter.

The rest came out with Taehyung. The moment the tied man laid his eyes on the hybrid, he'd never been this scared his entire life. Taehyung's size as a wolf brought a shiver to not only his spine but whole body.

Yoongi went to untie him, as he did, he held him down to prevent any movements.

"Wh-What is that?" He shuddered. Jungkook laid a palm on his shoulder and whispered, "good luck fighting him."

Taehyung was growling at him and he tore his gaze away from the wolf.

Jungkook walked over to the rest and he knelt down to whisper to Taehyung, "you know what to do. Go do your job."

The group left and locked the door before he could escape.


He turned his body to face Taehyung, and boy did he felt like a prey under the mercy of the most vicious animal.

It was too late for him to run, as he was immediately cornered by Taehyung.

'Try to escape from me, you little rat!'

He slowly moved, which made Taehyung growl.

"Good boy," he cooed, in hopes of escaping.

Slowly, he crawled and fastened his movements later on, which made Taehyung chop off his left foot. He screamed in agony as he saw that he had been decapitated by such a monster.

He insisted on crawling further, with blood leaking on to every path that he made.

Taehyung let him suffer like that for a while. He didn't want a quick and easy death, as to him it's a piece of cake to kill him.

He screamed, "stop it!"

'I'm not doing anything, weakling.'

He crawled to the nearest table and gripped on it to make him stand up. He struggled a lot, he fell multiple times and he rose up right after his fourth fall.

He saw a gun and muttered to himself, "jackpot!" He got it and aimed it at Taehyung, with victory embedded in his conceited smirk.

'Try me, I won't die if you shoot me,' challenged he.

He pulled the trigger and no bullets shot out. He was frustrated and he tried again.

"Shit! Why aren't there any? Did I use up all of them?!"

'Stupid.' Taehyung couldn't wait anymore so he pounced directly on him and tear him down limb to limb and skin to skin, until he was an unrecognisable mess. When he heard his screams, it made him much more vehement into murdering him, and he believed that it was more justice for Lisa, if ever that was true.

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