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She looked at Taehyung in the eye and smiled,"Taehyung, welcome to the gang."

"Glasses up!" Namjoon cheered. They all refilled their glasses and raised them.

He continued, "and cheers! To the new member of our gang!"

They all clunk their glasses together and drank.

"To Taehyung!" Jimin exclaimed

"To Taehyung!" They all said in unison and continued drinking.

"By the way, Lisa, did you follow Chanyeol like what I told you to do?" Jungkook asked as he set his glass on the table after a shot.

Lisa swallowed her drink and replied, "Yeah but he's really careful. I remember him going to a mansion. Here's the address." She showed her phone.

"Dionysus St. Thank you, Lisa!" Jungkook smiled.

"When I follow him, he would look every second to check if there was someone behind him. Then he went to SOHO club to drink.


"This bastard," She peeked out from the light post while watching Chanyeol.

She then saw him head out for SOHO Club and got a table not so far away from him.

The bartender saw him and greeted him while mixing his drink, "hey, Chanyeol! What's up? What can I get you?"

"I'll have the usual, y'know, Malibu Sunset," he gave a cocky grin.

'That cocky bitch,' she rolled her eyes.

A bartender approached her and she told him to just give her a Cranberry Gin Cocktail. 

As her order arrived, she took a sip and watched the oblivious man from her seat which was two seats away.

EDM, Pop and R&B music blasted through the room and as the volumes got higher, people with sweaty bodies started dancing even more.

She got bored watching him drink and flirt with a couple of girls.

'Can't believe I had to go through a sea of sweaty bodies just to watch this man waste himself,' she drank half of the cocktail as she glared at the oblivious man.

He finished his drink and paid to leave the bar. She saw something fall out of his pocket.

'A piece of paper.' for her, every evidence counts, she picked it up. 'Hope this helps,' she unfolded the paper and saw an address.

"Dionysus st. I better go here," she paid for her drink and left the club, going through the sea of people again.

She started the ignition of her yellow mustang and drove her way to the house.

Lisa finally arrived at the said house no scratch that, mansion. She snapped a picture of the mansion.

Since she's parked from a pretty good distance, she put down her windows to get a better view "Chanyeol lives here?" She asked herself.

A woman opened the door for him, "Chanyeol!"

She took a picture of the woman.

His hands snaked around her waist.

"Poor woman, she got cheated on by this asshole."

She held his hand then enthusiastically told him, "I've been waiting for you to visit me, come inside."

She snapped a picture of the both of them before they went in.

She put on her windows again and sighed. Her hands gripped the steering wheel as she drove off to her home.

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