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The morning came and they decided to go on the hunt for some food.

An hour passed and they still haven't found anything to ingest. So Taehyung instructed, "Jackson, take that route there. Once you find something, howl and I'll go there."

The younger nodded and both of them went on their separate ways.


He was a little scared to be alone in the woods, especially that there could be a pack lurking around. He was a smaller wolf unlike his older cousin so he hasn't really had a grasp on how to defend himself.

'I hope I find something worthy. I don't want to stay out here longer,' he thought.

That was until he saw a moose and when he approached it he snarled and immediately pounced on it, tearing off the flesh of its back.

Until a pack of big wolves towered over him, the right hand of the alpha stood forward and he warned, "we saw that first, we actually planned a trap for it."

He followed the Alpha's eyes and he saw a trap of a used net and a grass area.

He grazed his claw against Jackson's howl and the smaller wolf whimpered, scared of the pack.

They circled around him so that he couldn't escape. The Alpha told, "that's OUR food.  What's a rogue as young as you wandering around——"

"Shut up! I claimed the moose first! You were just too slow to act upon it," he roared. He then backed away and shivered when he saw the large Alpha approach him.

He then was pounced on and they were fighting on the ground. He was about to be ripped off until he howled for his cousin.


He then heard his cousin's howl from the opposite direction, it didn't sound like he was communicating to indicate that he found something, but a cry for help.

'Jackson?! He's in danger?!' He thought and later on ran in full speed to the direction of the noise.

He arrived there and he saw his cousin being pinned and growled on by an Alpha.

Taehyung snarled, making awareness of his presence.  Jackson whimpered and hid behind Taehyung, cowering his head down.

The Alpha got off and mind-linked Taehyung, "well well if it isn't the well known Anthrolykan in the area. Such pleasure to have you here. But unfortunately you have to teach this little wolf about manners. Disrespecting an Alpha like me!"

Taehyung scoffed, "first of all."

He walked around the area and continued, "he isn't just a little wolf, he's something more than that, and I'm proud to say that he's my cousin."

"How shameful that you are related to this wimp of a wolf!" Standing proud the leader commented.

The hybrid faced his whimpering cousin and he instructed, "Jackson, stay back, I'll protect you." The younger walked and stayed behind the tree.

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