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Namjoon, Jimin and Yoongi were at Jungkook's place, helping him with documents.

"Guys, what's going on with Jungkook?" Namjoon asked.

"I know right! He's been acting weird all the damn time since the other week."  Yoongi nonchalantly spoke while reading the documents.

It's been three weeks and he couldn't get over the 'dream' he had. T̶a̶e̶h̶y̶u̶n̶g̶ ̶c̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶c̶o̶l̶l̶e̶c̶t̶ ̶y̶o̶u̶r̶ ̶m̶a̶n̶

A chuckle escaped from Jungkook's lips which caused his friends to look at him weirdly.

"He's nuts," Jimin commented to himself.

"Kook," Yoongi called.

He didn't receive a response.

"Kook," he called for the second time, this time a little louder.

Still no response.

He threw a crumpled paper at him, hoping that his friend would be awaken from the daydream.

Jungkook finally snapped out of his gaze and showed the crumpled paper, "Yoongi what the fuck? Why'd you throw a random paper at me?"

"You were out of touch in reality so being the good friend he is, he threw a paper to wake you up. Guessed it worked then," Namjoon answered while typing something in the computer.

"Tell us about it Jungkook, what made our dead serious mafia boss smile?" Jimin was ready for s̶o̶m̶e̶ ̶t̶e̶a̶ his answer until he stood up and leaned against his desk.

"Well," he sounded like a girl telling about her first crush.

They stopped whatever they're doing and waited for his answer.

"Well?" Namjoon repeated his words, hoping to help him complete his statement.

"I had this dream, and there was this man, he's voice was like an angel but it was pretty deep. Then he sounded concern to be honest, he said that he wishes me to be okay."

Jungkook sighed deeply and giggled after sharing his 'dream'

And guess what?

He was laughed at by his friends.

Jimin fell on the ground while laughing like a hyena.

"I'm so done with this kid," Yoongi muttered and shook his head.

"Same Yoongi, same," Namjoon tried to speak those words while containing his laugh.

"What? What's wrong? Why are you all laughing at me?" Jungkook asked.

"That's so gay!" Jimin, still on the ground, yelled.

"Jimin!" Yoongi called out which made the said man fall silent.

"So, you had this dream about the guy. Based on what you said, I have a hunch that it wasn't really a dream," Namjoon rested his chin on his palm.

"Maybe he was the one who brought you when you were stabbed," Jimin, who regained his composure, assumed.

"But it seems like our boss is in love...with a voice!" Jimin added and giggled.

Jungkook sat down again and slumped his back on the office chair, hence stating, "I'd be lying if I said that his voice wasn't the best thing I've heard."


'J-Jungkook told his friends?' His eyes widened at what he just heard.

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