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He couldn't stop laughing as he kept wagging his tail and make inhumane noises.

'That was unexpectedly fun! Never thought it would turn this way.' He thought.

He saw Hoseok, with Jungkook's arm around him.

Jungkook let go of Hoseok and plopped himself on the couch "Man I'm beat."

"Y-You just chased me for nothing, Kook." Hoseok claimed and he sat next to him.

"Then who did it then?"

"Probably a ghost."

He wiped his sweat with his hands and laughed "I don't think so. Ghosts don't exist."

"And If ever there's one, why would a ghost do that to me? Why not just face me?"

Hoseok got up "Yeah I know right. Don't worry, I don't think there will be."

He added "I'll go freshen up a bit. Call me if you need me."

"Sure!" He smiled.


He went up the stairs to shower after that long run.

Jungkook looked at his reflection, all sweaty but he still looked good "Damn, I got some killer looks right here," he traced his perfect 130 degree jawline with his fingers.

He took off his shirt when suddenly the lights went flickering.


He ignored it but suddenly the lights went off.

"Ah shit why did this have to happen?" He waited for the power to come back on  .

After a few minutes, the power came back on but there was a woman with pale white skin, long black hair covering her face and chest, she was wearing a white outfit at that time.

"JUNG HOSEOK THIS IS NOT FUNNY!!" He faced the woman.

Until the woman choked him.

"H-Hey! Cut it off!!" Jungkook tried
to wriggle free from her pale hands but it was pretty strong enough but not to kill him.

The woman released a deep sinister laughter.

"Let go of me!!!" He was released and ran downstairs.

"Kook, what's wrong?" Hoseok asked, with worry on his face.

Jungkook panted and pointed upstairs "Wait, that was not you?"

"What happened to you?"

He told Hoseok "There was power outage. S-Someone tried to choke me."

"What? Seriously?"

"Do I look like I'm FUCKING kidding?!" He shouted.

"There was no brownout y'know." Hoseok convinced him.

"So it just happened in my bathroom then?!" Jungkook punched the wall.

"SHIT!" He cursed out loud.

"Come, Hobi." He grabbed his arm, dragging him to his room.

They arrived at his room and they went in the bathroom.

"Hoseok, it happened here!" He pointed at the spot in front of the mirror.

"I didn't see anyone leave either." He came to realisation "Shit! There's a ghost." his high-pitched scream echoed throughout the room and he ran out of the room.

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