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Nerris cursed at herself. Why did she have to get paired up with Harrison. She sighed placing her first aid kit in her bag. She yawned and stretched her arms out. Hissing in pain she grabbed her side. She needs to stop that. She lifted her bag onto her back and headed to the mess hall to meet Harrison. As usual he was late. All the other groups had already left when he strolled through the door. He smirked seeing her pissed off expression. The only reason he was late was he was putting off seeing her for as long as possible. She stormed past him and into the trees not waiting for him.

He followed as she went ahead into the trees. "Hurry up" she called and disapeared around a bend.Harrison had his arms crossed navigating past the mud and rocks to make sure not to ruin his clothes. Nerris has made him.... bitter for the past week. He had barely even said anything to her. He just grumbled and attempted to catch up. This was going to be a long week.

AAAH ITS HERE. I've been working on this story for months and trust me when I say. Been be a crazy ride. Dont worry the other chapters will be longer I just wanted to get this one out of the way so interduce whats happening. I'll be trying to post a few chapters on Monday and Friday

love is a illusion || Nerrison Where stories live. Discover now