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Nerris looked down chewing slightly on her bottom lip and pulled her knees to her chest hugging them and staring at the ground in front of her.

"Harrison?" She said quietly and he hummed in response. "What do you mean-" nerris stopped mid sentence and shook her head. "No never mind" she said quickly sighing. Harrison reached out and placed his hand gently on her knee. She jumped slightly but he pretended like he didn't notice.

"What?" He asked and she just shook her head. "Nerris I swear to fuck if you dont tell me what you were gonna say" he said with his eyes narrowing slightly at her and his voice rough even though he was genuinely curious. She jumped and shrunk back away from his touch. he sighed. Given what they had been through in the past few days, he shouldn't be snap. Taking a deep breath he spoke again. "Im sorry- but tell me... Please?"

She sighed and looked down at where his hamd rested on her leg to avoid looking at him. "W- what did you mean by your real dad." She said it so quietly he had to lean in slightly to hear her. "You dont have to tell me of course! That's your business Im sorry I asked" she added quickly as he sighed. They sat in silence for a while before Harrison spoke up again surprising both of them.

"He was a magician. My dad I mean. I never knew him. Like my mom says, he pulled an disappearing act soon as she found out she was pregnant." She watched him slightly shocked. He let out a shaky breath before continuing. "All I have from him is my hat and well that jacket" he motioned to her with his hand and smiled although it looked forced and uneasy. She went to give back the jacket again and Harrison growled under his breath. "Nerris I swear. I told you to wear it." His voice was stern and she decided not to protest this time. Instead she just nodded and pulled the jacket around her even tighter.

She almost smiled but caught herself. The jacket smelled like his cologne and it was slightly comforting. Not that she would admit that or anything. He closed his eyes for a minute before speaking up again.

"Okay how did you get the blood off? Because I need to do that" he looked down at his blood caked body. Nerris stood up.

"Theres a stream that way" she held out her hand and he took it standing next to her.

He was trying to ignore the pain in his leg as she pointed in the direction of the stream. He started that way wincing with every step he took. Suddenly nerris was under his arm supporting part of his weight. Because of the height difference he had to lean down slightly. She wasnt helping a lot but it was something at least.

She was silent as they walked into the trees but after a few paces he stumbled slightly. He tensed up feeling her arm wrap around his waist stabilizing him amd he and looked down at nerris slightly surprised. She just scoffed rolling her eyes a scowl setting on her face as they continued forward. Soon enough they reached the stream and nerris moved her arm away from him and stepped away quickly breaking contact between the two trying to slow her racing heart. She didn't like Harrison, EW.

Harrison sat on the edge of the stream and just looked at the water for a while lost in thought. He didnt even realize it until nerris placed her hand on his shoulder making him jump and crash back into reality. He looked behind him and she crossed her arms in front of her. Looking away he closed his eyes concentrating as muchnas he could until he felt a cloth in his hands. Opening his eyes he looked down at the rag he now held surprised it actually worked.

"So you could've made that appear at any time?" Nerris's voice asked before she sat down next to the magician as he shook his head signaling no.

"It takes a lot of energy to actually get something like that to work and it usually doesnt anyways." He said not looking at her even though he could feel her eyes on him. He dipped part of the cloth into the water and started scrubbing his arm lost in thought. He didn't realize how rough he had been scrubbing until nerris's hand grabbed his hand.

"Idiot" she mumbled taking the cloth from him with a frown. She grabbed his arm and started gently wiping the blood away. He looked at her confused not sure why she would be helping him. He sighed. Girls are confusing.

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