seperated once again

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Harrison panicked a bit and leaned over the edge of the ravine quickly, forcing himself up so he didn’t fall also. He didn’t know how deep it was so he held out his arm to use telekinesis to hold up Nerris. “Fuck fuck fuck fuck-“ Nerris freaked out even more not relizing what was happening “STAY STILL-“ Harrison was struggling. She heard him and stopped but she didnt relize where she was anymore. In her mind she was back in the car on the side of the road surrounded by people telling her to stay still if she wanted to live. She was lost in her memorys once again.

“GRAB ON TO THE LEDGE- NOW!” Harrison had never been good at using telekinesis and he could feel himself losing hold of the small girl.

She grabbed onto the ledge and pulled herself up. She still wasnt there mentally though. She gasped looking around relizing what was happening again. She laid on the ground breathing heavily. She got up and felt bad for Harrison. She relized shes the reason he kept getting hurt. She reached out her hand to touch his shoulder but stopped. She turned and ran into the trees. He would have a easier time without him. She ran until the pain in her side made it impossible and she fell to her knees. She rolled onto her back before passing out.

Nerris groaned and looked around. "Harrison?" She tried to sit up but the pain in her side prevented it. She fell back onto her back and looked around. She was alone. She remebered what happened. She didnt know how long she was out but the sun was just coming up again so it had to be a while because when she left it was high in the sky. She carefully pulled up the side of her shirt gagging at the sight. The slash on her side was torn wide open and smaller cuts had formed around it. They told her that it would scar but it wouldn't be that bad. Looking at this now. She knew that it would be bad... if she survived.

Harrison groaned back at the revein and coughed. “Fuck.... fuck.... I need to fix this soon....” Harrison had woken up. He could barely move, due to breaking his own leg with possibly his own magic. He wasn’t only destructive to the things around him! He noticed Nerris was no where to be seen. She left him. Great. He deserved it anyways. He closed his eyes and gave into the pain and slipped back into darkness.

Nerris felt dizzy "no you need to get up. You have to find your way back and make sure Harrison isnt hurt" she told herself out loud. But her mind fought back louder "he's better off by himself. You only got him hurt" her vision slowly went black and she was out again.

Nerris clenched her teeth trying not to scream in pain from her side when she came to. She once again tried to sit up but the pain wouldn't allow her to do so. She stared at the sky biting back another scream. This one of defeat. She closed her eyes. "I'm going to die in these woods" she said out loud to herself. Strange enough she didnt cry. It seemed like she had already cried too much on this trip. He heard what she thought was a voice but dismissed it.

Harrison coughed. His voice was failing him. He opened his mouth again to try to call out. "Hello" this time he made more sound.

She strained to listen and she heard someone call out. No not someone. Harrison. While she was running she must have circled back and ended up closer to him then she thought. Nerris put the side of her shirt back down but winced as the fabric touched the wound. "Fuck it" she tore the side of the shirt so it wouldnt bother her side. Why did this have to happen to her. Slowly getting up she bit the inside of her cheek. Every few steps she doubled over in pain. Her mind was telling her to stop and that Harrison could take care of himself but she kept walking.

Hearing his voice nerris moved quicker towards it. She stopped dead in her tracks when she saw him. "Fuck" She shook her head. "God. When im with you, you get hurt. When I leave you, you get even more hurt. The fuck is wrong with you" she took her hands off of her exposed side and ran them through her hair not noticing the blood coating them this time. "Why the hell do you have to try and die when your with me damnit"

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