3 months later

641 12 9

Nerris climbed up the porch steps to the large blue house. She entered the door and glanced over to the man sitting on the couch. Jared pushed his glasses up on his nose looking over from the T.v. giving the girl a smile. He raised a finger to his lips alerting her that Dan was on a business call and not to disturb him. She made her way up the stairs to her bedroom. She glanced around the violet walls and to the boxes she still had stacked in the corner. Her therapist told her she should start to unpack considering its been a month. She would do it later.

Plopping down on the bed she sat against her wall and pulled out her calc homework. She grabbed a pencil chewing on the eraser before deciding she needed a brain snack. She made her way downstairs and a picture caught her eye in the stairwell. She had walked down these stairs multiple times but there wasnt many photos of her on the wall so Jared must have just recently put it up. It was nerris smiling softly at the camera even though it didnt look real. It was taken right after her surgery. She looked down pressing her hand to the nasty scar under her shirt with a frown. She continued down the stairs.

After grabbing a bag of bbq chips she went back to her room and took her place back in front of the worksheet in front of her. Grabbing her laptop she opened Skype. Maybe Neil could help a bit. She was about to messege him when an active name caught her eye. Homework could wait. Shed do it later. She clicked on the name and moved her mouse to the video call option. Harrison picked up almost instantly. She smiled as his face came into view on her screen.

"Hey nerri! How was classes?" Harrisons voice filled the empty silence and nerris held up a finger before jumping up and closing the door. She didn't want to disturb Dan as he was in the home office a few doors down. She returned back to the bed and Harrison was absently fiddling with a deck of cards. Harrison had been taking online schooling. But her therapist said it would be better to have more human interaction other then just through a screen.

"Boring. As usual. Oh but nurf got suspended... Again" she chuckled as he shook his head with the face of a disappointed parent. He opened his mouth to say something when a crash was heard in the background.

"MIA! NO DONT TOUCH THE BIRD!" He called off screen then addressed nerris. "I'll be right back. She knocked over kiwis cage" he left the frame and a little girl was heard whining as Harrison took his dove back. Harrison had been picked up from camp by social services. He was placed with a foster family. The only downside is they live in the middle of the country. Harrison took form on the screen once more as he apologized... Multiple times.

"Don't worry. Hows life with the fosters?" She giggled. He didnt know what she found so amusing about that because he definitely didnt watch the show that nerris had gotten into recently.

"Good. Mias being a brat as usual. We took in a new boy too. Poor kid was left on the side of the highway and his last foster family was quite abusive" his face was grim as he talked but he replaced it with another smile. "How bout you? Miss adopted. Hows life with your dad's"

"Dan might be getting a promotion which will be a big thing. Uh Jared took it apon himself to sign us up for family councling though" she said the last part with a frown and grabbed the chipbag from her nightstand.

"Hes just trying to help" Harrison said knowingly and nerris nodded.

"Only a week until I can see you" she said with a smile trying to turn the conversation to a happier subject.

"Yeah... Only a week" Harrison had a innocent smile but his eye held a michivious glint in it. She dissmissed it as a knock sounded at the door. She looked up as Dan opened it letting her know it was time to eat. She said bye to Harrison and made he way down to the dining room. The rest of the night was strangely uneventful... Other then when she freaked out realizing she didn't do her homework. But then she remembered it was Friday.

Streaching she yawned groaning at the sun filtering in through the window. Whoever opened the curtains was going to get hurt. She sat up with a sigh and jumped as a voice sounded out from the doorway.

"Happy birthday nerri" Harrison said with a smile and nerris took a moment for her still half asleep brain to process what was happening before climbing out from bed and wrapping him in a hug. He just laughed.

"I thought you wouldn't be coming to town until next week" she said pulling away from him with a large smile. He leaned down to peck her cheek.

"Well due to the special occasion Joan let me borrow the truck. As long as I brought some things from the store home later" the magician said with a shrug but Nerris was only half listening to his explanation. She was to busy just staring up at him.

His hair was actually tame for once and his bangs fell into his eyes so you could barely see the bandages wrapped around his injured eye. He was laughing slightly as he rambled on about home and his studies and he had a large grin stretched across his face. He was wearing a black t shirt and a pair of jeans and smelled like a mixture of a farm and his cologne he always wore. It was surprisingly comforting to her.

"Your staring at me" Harrison stated and she felt her face go red. She hadn't even realized that he had stopped talking. She started to stutter out an apology but he swiftly leaned down and kissed her cutting her off. "Its cute. Now jarad said breakfasts ready so hurry up" he pushed on her shoulders lightly so she was facing the dresser. She sighed and walked over grabbing a random outfit. She heard the door click shut as Harrison leaves and starts to get dressed.

By the time Nerris gets downstairs the table was set and Jared had already served plates. Dan is halfway done because he probably has a meeting right after breakfast. Nerris sat down in her usual spot with Harrison seated to her left. He leaned over and pecked her cheek lightly making her face turn red and she giggled quietly. Dan smiled at Jared who just chuckled under his breath making her blush glow brighter as they started to eat.

Her hypothesis was right as Dan finishes quickly and stands up. He excuses himself before makimg his way out of the dining room soon returning in a suit. He pats Harrison on the shoulder and plants a kiss to the top of nerris's head before givimg Jared a quick kiss and leaving.

Jared stood up and started to clear the table and Harrison turned to nerris.

"Hey nerri?"

"Yes harrison?"

"Your cute" he teased poking her cheek lightly. She felt her face go hot. She looked down and Harrison only laughed pulling her into his side. She buried her face into his shirt to hide the glowing blush on her cheeks. "Hey nerri guess what" he said with a smile looking down at the girl. She only hummed in response and he chuckled. "Guess what" he said again and she sighed.

"What Harrison?" She mumbled finally looking up at him again. He smiled even brighter, if that were possible.

"I love you" he said and she looked up at him with wide eyes. He had never said that to her before. Harrison only leaned down and kissed her softly. They both jumped at the sound of a camera clicking and looked over to where Jared stood in the doorway chuckling.

"Thats a keeper" he teased and she felt herself blush even more. She buried her face back into his shirt again and even Harrison was blushing.

"Hey Harrison, I love you too"

Annnd that was the end ❤ hope you guys enjoyed this abomination I made

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