body heat

670 14 1

"It's when I pass out actually. Well, usually." Harrison attempted to sit up but failed crying out in pain. She held her hands out like she could do something "stop. Just stop. Your not going to be able to go anywhere and we both know it"

"Well, can you find Neil or max or anybody else?" he asked mad that he couldnt help at all. She shrugged and glanced down at her exposed side. She bit the inside of her cheek and walked into the woods wincing with every step. She made sure to check the landmarks around her as she went so she could find her way back. After about a hour of walking she saw a strange rock formation. It resembled a skull. She let out a sigh of relief. This ment she could get help and Neil knew plenty of medical things. Hed know what to do. She started walking towards the rocks. She walked around the walk formation "NEIL" she walked to the other side "SOMEONE" again she was met with silence. She walked behind the rocks and gasped. Neils camp was left in ruins and with no one that was in sight.

Nerris turned and ran back to harrison ignoring the throbbing in her side. She saw harrison through the trees. He was bandaging his eye up and working to heal his leg. She ran to where he could see her and he looked up surprised. She fell down and clutched her side breathing heavily. "N-neil is gone" she said feeling dizzy from the pain.

"W-what do you mean?" He asked slightly alarmed by her state. "Wasn't...there" she then passed out.

His mind was going haywire. He had gotten his leg to a slightly better state so he scooted over to her. He touched her cheek lightly before pulling his hand away quickly. What was he doing. 'She is pretty. Well when shes not insulting me anyways' he thought to himself. Then shook his head. Why was he thinking that. He looked down and saw the large gash on her side for the first time. He sighed and grabbed the bandages he had before. She needed them more then he did. Plus if needed he could get more. If he had the strength anyways. He placed her head in his lap softly. Good thing she was passed out and wouldn't remember this. If she did he would probably get punched. He started to bandage up her side being as gentle as he could but she still shifted uncomfortably and looked pained from time to time.

Once he was done he went to move her off his lap and felt how cold she was. It was a pretty cold night. He moved her slightly and laid down next to her pulling her close to his chest. For body heat! Thats all. It wasn't like her soft breathing calmed him down or that she looked so adorable when she was asleep. Because that's not why. He assured of himself and fell asleep quickly.

A few hours later nerris stirred slightly in her sleep and tried to sit up but relized she couldn't move. Harrisons arms were wrapped around her waist keeping her still. Wait why was Harrison spooning her? She felt his breath on the back of her neck and shivered slightly. She slowly lifted one of his arms off of her and sat up. She stood and looked around and looked down at the sleeping boy. She sighed and turned into the woods making her way to the stream she had noticed earlier.

She took her shoes off and stepped into the water. She sat on the bank and splashed some of the water up onto her bare legs watching the blood be washed away. She scrubbed them with the palms of her hands to clean them as much as possible. She noticed a bunch of cuts on them as she did so. She sighed and slipped off her tank top and put it in the water scrubbing at it. The stains would never come out but at least she could make it wearable until she got a new shirt.

Harrison groaned and opened his eyes not feeling nerris's presence anymore. He looked around sleepily and sat up. He was slightly disappointed she wasnt there. He sighed and wondered where she could be. Had she ran away again? He hoped not. He heard footsteps in the trees and turned towards the sound tense but relaxed as he saw it was only nerris. Her hair was wet but most of the blood had been washed off of her though. She sat down next to him.

"Hey" she said quietly and he reached out and touched the fabric of her shirt feeling the dampness of it.

"Your fucking crazy nerris" he said and thought for a moment for slipping off his jacket and wrapping it around her shoulders. She blushed slightly and looked at him. "Your gonna get a cold" he said and looked the other way. He knew he was blushing too but the darkness covered it up mostly.

Welp Harrison is tsundere now

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