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Warning: teenage angst 😐

"Bye!" Nerris waved to Mia and Preston. She had known them both since 1st grade when she moved to the city. Sure she had other friends as well but she spent most of her time with those two. She walked up to her parents car and got in. Her mom smiled at her in the rearview mirror. They all said hi to one another and nerris started talking about school. She mentioned that mia was having a party that weekend. Her mom's face fell.

"Honey, you don't want to go to this party do you?" She looked worried. Nerris shrugged. She never got why her parents didnt like mia. She was a pretty good kid. It was her brother who was the problem.

"Well I was hoping I could" she said in a quiet voice. "Im 15 now I know to stay away from Liam. Plus she said he probably wont be there anyways" secretly she hoped he would be. A detail that mia would never find out and especially not her parents. her dad shook his head as she talked.

"Still, your mother and I dont want to risk the same thing that happened at her birthday again" she understood what he was saying. At Mia's birthday her brother got trashed and him and their dad got in a fight. Liam ended up getting arrested. She slumped back in her seat. She never got to hang out with mia anymore since that happened. She crossed her arms.

"Prestons going!" She exclaimed loudly staring out the window as they pulled onto a busy street. Her mom turned around in her seat to look at her.

"Nerris I'm sure this seems unfair right now, but trust me were just looking out for you." Her mom said in a gentle tone. She rolled her eyes.

"Your right it is unfair! You guys always treat me like I'm a baby. I'm fucking 15 years old and I don't need you two always over my shoulder!" Her dad looked up into the rearview mirror at her and her mom opened her mouth to say something.

"Nerris! Watch your-" her dad started but he was cut off by the loud sound of a horn blasting, and a scream. It was hers, the semi slammed onto the breaks but it wouldnt be able to stop in time. She squeezed her eyes shut. Time seemed to slow down. The little car they were in seemed to dispear. It was just her staring at the large truck coming at them.

Well heres a look into nerris's past

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