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He placed her down, but kept walking. She put a hand on her side and followed after wishing she had her bag for the 100th time that day "maybe we will run into some of the other campers"

“Yeah, although some of them may freak out.” Blood. There’s too much blood. She nodded understanding what he was talking about. "Yea but I need a way to sew up my side again and they all have first aid kits. Not everyone can just magic themselfs up and heal" Harrison didn’t say anything, but looked a bit insulted. He summoned a small sewing kit as a way to annoy her.

She glared at him "you Harrison. Are an asshole. Yknow that" he shrugged and made the sewing kit disappear "whatever."

She stopped in her tracks. She was getting angry. Mostly at herself but she refused to aknowlage that fact. "Well if you hadn't walked off maybe whatever the hell happened wouldnt have happened." She started to walk faster to put distance between the two ignoring the throbbing pain. She felt the side of her shirt become wet with fresh blood and felt sick.

Harrison crossed his arms. “It’s not my fault....”
Yes it was Harrison.

Nerris didnt say anything she just shook her head to herself and told herself not to cry. She had already cried to many times this week and it was only day 3. And the day she cries for Harrison will be the day her father comes back from the dead.

Harrison sighed.... “I’m sorry.”

She was silent for a moment. "No your right. Youve always been right" she didnt say anything else she just kept walking along the path. Harrison followed, but didn’t say anything else.

Nerris started to notice a few familir landmarks but not many and it was worrying her. She had heard how big this forrest was and some people who got lost were never heard from again. "Do you reconise any of this?" She asked stopping to look around. They had been walking for a few hours. They were either going in the wrong direction or they started deeper in the woods then she thought they had.

“Nope. I can barely-“ he rammed his face into a tree. She stared at him in shock "see" she finished the sentence for him amd went to see if he was okay. He stepped back and groaned. She sighed and face palmed. She sighed "God harrison" she looked around not seeing anything that she knew. "Were just getting ourselfs even more lost" 

“This sucks...” he looked around. “Didn’t Neil and his partner go somewhere around here-“ he asked remembering slightly running into Neil as he was walking away and seeing him walking in the direction he was going before he blacked out.

"Yea I think him and Preston said they were heading to a certain rock formation that looks like a skull. Ive seen a lot of rock formations lately around here but none like that" she turned a full 360° looking into the trees aroud them. "Maybe we can find them and get some help"

“Yeah, plus I did want to annoy him for attempting to test a possibly dangerous ‘potion’ on me.” Harrison shrugged.

She looked at him and laughed "its scary how calmly you just said that" he just shrugged in response. “Somebody tried to kill me before. I’ve seen it all.”

she laughed and smiled slightly. "I think your doing a fine job of that by yourself dude" she paused "Well you would be if you could die any ways" She gagged then coughed. The smell of the blood finally getting to her. She had ignored it for a while but she couldnt anymore "why did it have to be blood"

“yeah....did you think I would bleed out pasta sauce?” She laughed but there was no humor behind it "wouldve been better then blood"

She turned and walked off the path a few paces to see if she could find anything. She turned back towards harrison. "Dude I think were lo-" her eyes went wide as she felt her foot slip and she screamed as she fell backwards into a revine.

Oh? A cliffhanger? *badum psh* Did i do that oops!

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