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Nerris slumped against a tree. She took deep breaths. She was fine. She was just with Harrison. Harrison who she has known since they were ten. Harrison who hated her. Just them. Alone. In the woods. She was doing a bad job at calming herself. A twig snapped and nerris jumped up remebering what jasper told them about dangerous wild animals when you went deeper into the woods. A squirl ran out from behind the tree and she relaxed but turned back to camp anyways because the sky was getting increasingly darker.

Harrison sighed. "Why does she hate me I never did anything to her" he said out loud to himself. He closed his eyes. He heard her faint footsteps approach. He prepared himself to be insulted again or something of that manner.

When she was about 50 feet from the camp another branch snapped. This was made by a bigger animal though. She held her breath and could hear it. Definetly a big animal.

"H-harrison you need to get up I think" she said trying to keep her voice steady and failing. He ignored her thinking she was messing with him. It is something she would do.

Nerris slowly turned her head and saw the brown fur. Her voice was laced with panic as she said quietly but loud enough for him to hear

"Harrison, b-bear" she slowly took a step forward trying not to draw attention to herself. Again, he didn't seem to believe there was danger due to Nerris being the one saying it. He rolled his eyes and flicked a card into the air, it freezing and cracking when he caught it.

"Fuck your a idiot Harrison!" Nerris said only a few feet from the massive oak where he sat now. She said it a little to loudly as the bear behind her looked up and growled. Jasper had told them the bears in the area were very hostile towards humans. Harrison angrily turned around and yelled back at her, "Shut up-!" but stopped when he saw the bear. He looked panicked at the animal.

The bear growled louder and started towards them. All nerris said was "tree" then she jumped and latched onto the closed branch to the ground and lifted herself up "thank you nikki" she said grasping for the next branch remebering when Nikki told her what branches on a oak could hold someone.

Harrison couldn't exactly climb trees, but was thinking of physics and the fastest was to propel himself up.
"If I kick down while jumping into the side of the tree I can attempt to land on another and-" then he remembered he had magic.
He snapped his fingers and stamped his foot, then propelled into the air in a fireball, but grabbed a branch and put out the fire before it spread.
He looked a bit surprised that it worked. "Show off" nerris grabbed the branch he was standing on and pulled herself up. She glared at him "a little warning next time before you burst into a ball of flames" she balenced herself on the thicket part of the branch near the trunk and croutched down. The bear was circling the tree sniffing the air. It knew they were up there and it wasnt going to leave.

"Oh shut up. I didn't want to get my face clawed off." He climbed very slowly, falling a bit but quickly holding himself up with another branch. Nerris banged her head on the tree trunk thinking. She needed to stop that. She remebered something in one of her dad's storys when he had to sleep in a tree that he did. It saved his life.

"Harrison give me your jacket" he looked horrified at the suggestion and shook his head. "Damnit Harrison I need it." She baisically growled. "I'm not gonna feed it to the fucking bear only someone with a deathwish would be that crazy"

"I c-" he looked down below him. "I can't do that! I can't risk something bad happening to this....." he pulled the hood over his face. He was trying to make sure he didn't cry. She felt a pang of guilt. Sighing she unzipped her jacket and slid it off. She pulled her tank top up even though it was already covering her. She crossed her arms hiding most of the scars feeling self conscious. "Listen I'm sorry" he wasnt paying attention though. She broke two good sized branches and slid them into the jacket sleeves. She laid it on the branches below them. It wouldnt serve as a hammock but if one of them fell it would slow them down and give them a chance to grab ahold of a branch to keep from falling any farther.

Chapter two done! Gosh this was fun to write. I miss writing for fun I should do it more often. Chapter 3 will be up Monday!

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