is he-

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Nerris whimpered again shrinking backwards into the wall as pikeman smirked down on her. Her shirt was ripped up the front completely exposing her and she tried to cover herself as much as possible.

"Oh come on doll, work with me here" he said but frowned as she didn't respond. Nerris flinched as his hands grazed her bare stomach. Terror took over her body, coursing through her veins red hot. Her hand came up striking his face. He stepped away in surprise gripping his cheek where her nails had dug into his skin. He pulled his fingers away looking down at the liquid that coated them. Dark red coated them and he tore his eyes away sneering at her. "You-" he started but dropped down in a pile on the floor. She hesitantly stepped forward.

"Pikeman?" She stepped the other way as far away from him as she could be. His chest wasn't moving and it was scaring her. He looked dead. She shook her head trying to calm down when a click was heard. She almost screamed as the door flew open. Before she could process what was happening she was wrapped in a guys arms. She tried to push him him away but calmed down as the figure spoke.

"Nerris its me. Just me" Harrison felt her relax as he talked. He layed his forehead on the top of her head. "Its just me" he mumbled as her breathing returned to normal once more. She suddenly broke down sobbing into the front of Harrisons shirt. He rubbed small circles into her back as she cried. They stayed like that for a while until she stopped crying and just slumped to the ground. He went with her silently pulling her body into his chest rocking them slightly. Her face was blank of any emotion as she stared into space. Her eyes moved over to the body slumped on the concrete ground. Harrison noticed and hugged her tighter reassuringly.

"Is he-"

"Yes" he felt her take a sharp breath in and frowned. he was sure she would hate him now.

"Are they all-?"

"Yes" he thought for a moment. "We... We should go. I don't know if its safe here" he left out the part that he couldnt find Daniel. He fled after he took down snake. Harrison would have been to nerris sooner if it wasn't for that fact. He had tried to find the cultist but to no avail. She sniffled and nodded allowing him to help her up. He slipped his shirt over his head and slipped it over her body so she was covered. He led the way out of the warehouse and pulled her into his body but not quick enough as she saw the other body slimped on the ground. She was lost in her thoughts as she walked wirh him silently. Finally they reached the lake and the small boat floating on the surface caught her eye. She gazed across the lake to camp Campbell. They were so close. She heard Harrison clear his throat and realized she had been in her head.

Harrison held out his arm to her and she hesitantly took it climbing into the boat with his help. She chewed on her bottom lip staring at her wavering reflection on the water and took in her state. Her tangled hair. The blood caking her skin. The frantic look behind her eyes. Harrisons reflection appeared beside her own and she looked over towards him. He gave her an uneasy smile sitting back and grabbing the oars.

She studied him as they started moving through the water. His brown hair just as tangled as her own. Falling over his eye so only one of his green gold eyes glinted as he glanced up at her. The way his muscles moved with him as he rowed. The dark halfmoons under his eyes. The tired concentration set on his face. A lot had happened in the last few days. She didn't know where they're relationship sat at the moment. She didn't know if she wanted to. She hoped things wouldnt go back to them hating each other. Although she wouldn't blame him for not wanting anything to do with her and hating her even more after all of this. Her wondering thoughts were a traiter and she found herself thinking about the kiss that happened just before they were captured and what Daniel had said.  Harrison didnt actually- no- could he? No... Maybe.

"Your staring at me" Harrison commented with a cocked eyebrow. Nerris looked back over the side of the boat to hide her red face.

"Sorry.... Just lost in thought" she said and he only nodded in response. Her eyes were drawn upwards to the sky as a sliver of light cut through the darkness. It was Dawn once again. She sighed as they neared the shore. He glanced up at her with a look of understanding and stopped rowing for a moment. "Wha-?"

"Shh just enjoy the moment" he said and she did. Noticing how the morning sun made everything have a slight glow. The way the boat rocked side to side. The breeze coming up off the water. She shivered slightly and her eyes went wide.

"Harrison your jacket"

"Yeah I know"

"Where is it?"

"No idea"


"Its okay Nerris" his tone left the conversation at that. His face softened a little. "I can always get a new jacket but I cant get a new Nerris"

"Did you just quote david from the fire safety lesson?" She questioned trying not to laugh as a gecko like grin broke onto his face. Probably the first shes seen this whole camping trip.

"How dare you acuse me of such an act..." Harrison chuckled "I might have" she finally let herself giggle at his expression and shook her head.

"Your something else Harrison"

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