thinking logicly

897 19 16

Nerris felt the branch under her crack. She screamed as it gave way. She scrambled to grab a branch to keep her from falling possibly to her death. She grabbed onto a branch at the last second. Looking at her arms, they were smeared with blood from little cuts and nicks. She started hyperventilating at the sight.

Harrison turned to Harrison turned to the noise and attempted to get over to Nerris, but was struggling to keep himself on the trees, he fell through one branch but ignored it, and kept going.
Harrison realized he was too slow and attempted to rocket jump his way over to her, but when he got there, he rammed his shoulder into a tree and dislocated it.

He yelled in pain but held onto one of he branches, trying to get down with only one arm. Nerris felt dizzy but when Harrison yelled she snapped back into focus. He was about to fall. She took a deep breath and focused. She climbed over to him. "Harrison when i say to you need to let go" she reached up and wrapped both of her arms around his waist. She was small but he was pretty thin even for his height. and she had muscle to go with it from training with her dad when he got back from the war "NOW!" he let go. He was heavier then she thought but she lowered him onto his back as carefully as she could.

"Harrison. Harrison can you hear me?" She was trying to remeber what to do in this situation. He nodded "yes"

She hesitated "harrison..I know you dont want to take your jacket off but I need to unzip it to examine how bad your shoulder is" she pushed her hair back and looked around.

"I'll just fix it later-" he winced and took off his hood, his eyepatch visible. Nerris took in a sharp breath and looked away

"you can't climb in that condition and you would just slow us dow-" she stopped herself but not soon enough. Shes gotten so used to insulting Harrison she doesnt think about it anymore. And thats good she told herself. If i dont think about it then it won't hurt me. Harrison looked at her, seemingly hurt. He used his hurt arm to climb but yelled in pain and was forced to use his working arm. He was pretty slow....

She sighed and reached out but recoiled her arm before actually touching him not wanting him to get mad again. "Can you please let me help you?" She said it softly like speaking to a wild animal.

"I'm fine!" He kept climbing, his arm looking worse each time. His hair was over his face again. She rolled her eyes at him but was hurt he wouldnt let her help him. She sighed. Now that she wasnt worried about Harrison- or now that he wasn't her first priority her mind wondered back to the cuts on her arms. She looked down. The bleeding hadnt stoped yet. She closed her eyes and tried to take deep breaths and not freak out again in front of him. Instead she looked up

"its going to rain. We need to find shelter. I dont want you- us- to catch hypothermia." Nerrison was trying to be logical about there situation.

"I'm staying up here." He summoned a small flame in his palm. "I'm not risking my arm getting hurt worse." He didn't even look up at her. "When this is over I'm pretending nothing happened anyways." nerris rolled her eyes at his immature comment. She tried not to let it show that it had hurt her.

Oh my look at all these chickens... *points to bear*
Sorry ill go

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