the truth?

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Nerris ran over to him and looped his arm around her shoulder to help support his weight "you sure your good to travel because trust me it doesnt seem like it"

“Well, I’m not going to sit around here.” He took a step forward. She walked with him still helping to keep him upright. She sighed "were taking a break when you need it though I dont want to drag a dead body back to camp" she continued with him. He looked at her with a smirk.

"This shit wont kill me" he told her. Nerris held up a finger to her lips "SHHHHHH let me be over dramatic for once" he smiled slightly but his eyes were becoming glazed over “Ha ha. I’ll pass out just to piss you off.” He was actually starting to sound more out of it.

She stopped "that's it were camping out for the night. I'm not letting you go any further." She looked around for a suitable place to rest. She found a place that would be okay and helped lower him to the ground.

“No...” Harrison attempted to push her forward but he had noodle arms. She looked at him and spoke in a calm voice. "Shhh, just rest"

“No.” Harrison crossed his arms but yelled when a sharp cracking noise was heard from his broken arm. "S-shit-"

Nerris sighed. "I said it once and I'll say it again. Your gonna be the death of me Harrison" He attempted a laugh but failed. "You wouldnt be the first." He told her in a quiet voice not even sure if she heard it. She shook her head at him. "Rest" she stretched her arms over her head while yawning but hissed in pain and grabbed her side. She knew she had fucked it up. "No-" Harrison fell back, groaning in pain from his arm. “M-maybe.”

Nerris stared out into the trees singing lightly while absentmindly running her fingers through harrisons hair. She yawned again and told herself not to fall asleep. Her eyes drifted closed anyways. Maybe just five minutes. She curled up next to Harrison. She drifted off into a very light sleep.

It was a few hours later, and half of Harrison’s wounds had healed, but he was covered in blood still. Guess magic didn’t cover that. He woke up, grumbling. "Fuck...."

Nerris shifted in her sleep. She was having a nightmare but it wasnt the normal one. Though this one was no better. He looked over at her confused. He reached out and lightly touched her cheek. "You awake?" He whispered.

She turned her head and groaned still sleeping. She curled into herself her breathing became more uneven and she shifted again. Harrison placed his hand on her side, but quickly pulled away. “A.... a nightmare huh....”

She mumbled something incoherent and he looked down on her with sad eyes. She sat up quickly. "HARRISON!" her eyes scanned the area taking in where she was. He hand was over her heart and she was breathing heavily. She looked over and saw that Harrison was awake. "Oh...Hi" 

“You were having a nightmare.” HARRISON THE FUCKING BLOOD- ITS NASTY- he wiped his sleeve across his face hoping that would help wipe some more blood off but it didn't. She attempted to smile but all she could think about was the last few moments from her nightmare. It had felt way to real. Sure Harrison cant die in real life but that doesn't mean he cant die in her dreams. “What happened in it?” Harrison looked dead inside.

She looked around avoiding his stare "um nothing important yknow. Nothing with you, just n-nothing" she hopped up onto her feet and hissed in pain "nothing. You in better shape today?"

He looked at her. "Your a bad liar?" She looked down "n-no lying here!" She stuttered through her words. He looked at her sternly. "You are lying. What happened in it that you don't want me to know about?" She shook her head again. "Nerris tell me the truth"

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