Crashing back to reality

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"Listen" Nerris looked around. "All my stuff is back at camp and I need my first aid kit and we need to get you some help" she held up her arm to show him the cuts and relized she was still wearing the sweater. She had ment to take it off before she woke him up. She blushed and pulled the sleeves up so he could see the cuts she had received dearing her fall. He hadnt noticed them the night before. Another thing he hadnt noticed before where the Nash looking scars along her forearm. He was about to say something but looked down instead. It was her business what she did to her body. It irked him a little to know that she would do something like that but she wasnt his problem. He had his own things to worry about.

"Uhm yea i can just horrible at navigating the forrest" he tried to shrug but hissed in pain. She held out her hand in a stop motion. She looked around for a way to get him down. She looked at the branches below them.

"Harrison do you trust me?" She asked looking at him. He nodded.

"Sure i guess so but why?" He asked. She explained her plan. It was baisically the same thing she had done the night before. She would go down a branch and put her arms up to him and help lower him down slowly. He seemed on board with it at first. Then he shook his head.

"I can just use my magic nerris" she looked at him like he was crazy. She shook her head.

"No way Harrison. Look what using your magic got you last night" she pointed to his arm. He glared at her.

"Ive been through a lot of shit I can-" he started but nerris cut him of before he could finish his sentence.

"All of us have been through a lot of shit harrison! Dont give me that crap. Stop acting like the fucking world revolves around you and your existence. God!" She turned away and wiped the tears that had started to form in her eyes.
Harrison was hurt. He started to say something but she shook her head. "Save it" she sat down and put her head on her knees and silently sobbed into them.

Harrison spoke up softly "I thought you said id be in the way" its true. She has said that on multiple occasions.

She sighed "god Harrison you are a fucking idiot. I was hurt" and I thought.... I thought..." He looked at her and she looked away "nevermind. Its stupid" she looked at him. "Do your thing... magic kid"

He looked at her dumbfounded then took a deep breath. Then he jumped. He levitated in the air for a minute and he smiled at her. Then he came crashing back down. There was a sickening crack from his arm and he yelled in pain.

Nerris gasped and quickly climbed down. She ran to him ignoring the pain from her side. She was sure that she popped a few stitches but she didnt have time to check. She was more worried about Harrison.

And dont take that out of context! She just doesnt want to deal with a dead body thats all...

Well damn look at me actually keeping my promise of a upload schedule 😂

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