thick skull

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After a few minutes she calmed down a little not relizing where she was at first. When she saw Harrison she cursed herself for getting sidetracked. She sighed wishing she had her bag. She walked over to the bloodied sweater and ripped part of the clean sleeve off. She picked up the canteen she had left discarded on the ground earlier and dumped a little bit on the cloth and sat down in front of him. "You wont bite me will you?" It was meant as a joke but came out somber.

“Don’t worry.” He attempted to laugh but it.... didn’t sound like a laugh at all. He coughed up blood. “David is going to kill me.”

"You!? I ditched you back in the trees causing me to almost die and you to get hurt. I watched you walk off with a fucked up arm and just slept. Then when I found you I panicked. I'm a terrible partner." She carefully wiped some of the blood from his face trying to be as gentle as possible.

“I’m the one bleeding everywhere. Plus I’m the one who used magic twice and got hurt both times.” He subconsciously leaned into her touch as she continued to clean his face. He felt her body heat radiating off of her because she was so close. If it was a week ago he would have pushed her away and fired some sort of snarky comment at her. But now her being there was comforting somehow. Even though he still hated her of course.

She tapped on his skull "you have a brain Harrison. You just have a thick skull" to get her point across she tapped it again before going back to cleaning him up. "And as for the bleeding-" she looked down at her blood soaked shirt "I noticed. But this probally wouldnt have happened if I hadn't let you walk away from me"

“You don’t know how lucky it is to have a thick skull.” He coughed. “Oh god it’s in my throat- I can taste it ugh-“ he groaned. She cringed at the thought. She grabbed the canteen and held it to him after wetting the cloth in her hand some more. He took a long drink from it but still made sure it had more water for her in case she needed some. Only because people with dehydration are a lot of work. Thats all.

"Shit" he said as more blood dribbled from the corner of his mouth. She sighed and continued wiping the blood from his face. "Your gonna kill me damn" she said more to herself.

“Not if I die first.” He made finger guns and attempted to wink with the eye he stabbed out. "NO. No. Nopity. Nope. No dying on me you at least owe me that much for putting up with you" she laughed. He laughed but sputtered out more blood. “I can’t be killed. I’ve learned that long ago.”

She had no reply so she simply nodded. "So we need to discuss the elephant in the room. Why the fuck did I find you under a tree with a fucking stab wound!?"

He shrugged. "Dunno" she rolled her eyes "great. Your very helpful Harrison" he nodded at her. "Glad to be of assistance" her mind was going haywire trying to figure out what could have happened in the three hours they were separated. Answer: a lot

"Is there anyway we can get back o camp?" Harrison asked before breaking out into a nother coughing fit.

"I dont know where we are meaning I don't know how to get back. But maybe if we follow this path we can make it it town" she was pacing. Again. "Maybe davi-" she stopped and looked at him "more importantly can you do this?" He nodded and stood up but stumbled. "Yup"

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