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Nerris turned her back to the magician trying to process what just happened. Harrison couldn't- could he- No. She shook her head trying to clear her thoughts and ignore the blush on her cheeks.  She needed to focus. Harrison just stood there staring at the girls back as she went back to pacing. Finally she stopped and looked over to him.

"Daniel" she said suddenly her face dropping. He was about to ask what she meant but she beat him to it. "Thats who I saw! It was Daniel" she couldnt even beleive her own words but she was sure of it. Harrison shook his head.

"No way. We all saw him get carted off to god knows where" he tried reasoning with her but she just shook her head.

"No Harrison. It was Daniel I know it." She said and he just shook his head going to say something but she cut in. "Jesus Christ Harrison you never fucking listen to me! You always have to do it your way but whos usually right?" She said with her voice becoming cold. Harrison was taken back by the sudden change. A laugh broke through the sudden silence causing nerris to turn around as an all to familiar red head broke into the magic kids line of sight. He was followed by a smaller kid chewing on a candy cane.

"Sorry to interrupt this lovers quarrel you have going on but I have to say, the girls right" pikeman said with a sneer. Harrison was to busy trying to process what he said he didnt realise one of the trio was missing until it was to late. "Patrol, grab the magic one and lets go" he tried to move but wasnt quick enough as strong arms captured him not letting him move. Nerris growled and tried to kick the silent attacker but to no avail as he pushed her to the side causing her to yelp as she hit the dirt floor. Harrison tried to call out to her but couldnt as a arm wrapped around his neck cutting off his air supply. Nerris tried to get up but was shoved back down by a foot being planted on her chest. She glared up at the boy.

"Get off me Billy" she said but gasped as he added pressure making it harder for her to draw in a breath.

"Its snake" he growled addressing the girl as she tried to push him off balance. He turned his head towards the trees as another figure emerged and she started freaking out even more. "What do we do with the girl boss?"

"Leave her the woodscouts dont accept girls, you know this snake" pikeman replied but the new comer held up a hand to stop the teen.

"No. The boy loves her, its quite obvious. We will use her as blackmail" Daniel spoke and the three boys nodded almost simultaneously. Petrol dropped Harrison and he slumped to the ground unconscious. He scooped him up tossing him over his shoulder turning to the blond. Nerris tried to scramble backwards as soon as the pressure was let off her chest as snake took a step back but her whole world went dark as a boot collided with the side of her head.

KSKSKSKSKSKSKS short chapter ik dont @ me next one will be longer

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