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Nerris sighed as the boat bumped into the dock breaking her from her trance. They were finally back. She watched as harrison climbed out, giggling as he almost fell into the water. He mumbled something that sounded like 'oh shut it' as he held out his hand. She took it letting him basically pick her up out of the boat. She smiled slightly as he set her on the dock shoving his hands in his pockets looking towards the camp. Suddenly Harrison spoke up.

"Nerris. We never speak of this again" he said quickly. She cocked her head to the side thinking he was talking about all the shit that went down over the last few days. She jumped as his hands seized her shoulders pulling her body into his. He looking down at her. She was surprised as he suddenly connected their lips. She was hesitant but kissed him back. Harrison pulled back and nerris stood there dumbfounded. He turned walking towards camp.

"Wait what the fuck was that!?" Harrison stopped glancing over his shoulder at the elfkin.

"What was what?" He countered in a monotone voice and she clenched her fists at her side.

"You cant just do that"

"Do what?" Nerris growled at his response.

"Okay then... Why" she asked and he tensed up for a moment casting his eyes to the dirt floor.

"How do you expect me to answer that" he answered after a minute of silence.


"That's a lot of truth to explain. I wouldn't know how"

"Try" she crossed her arms and he turned back so he was facing her once more.

"Well for starters, your a mythic bitch. You dont know a thing about magic. You love to cause problems"

"Get on with it" she snapped and he sighed trying to avoid her gaze.

"But even above all of that your-" He thought of the right word "beautiful. Amazing.... Magical" he chuckled at his own joke as she rolled her eyes. "You have an air of confidence around you that I admire. Your strong. You see what you want and you get it. Not to mention you can hold a wicked grudge" he refurred to the grudge she held over him for knocking into her on the first day of camp 6 years ago. She scoffed.

"Shut up and continue talking"

"That sentence doesnt make sense"


"Okay okay, your fucking adorkable"

"Did you really just say that"

"You wanted the truth thats what your getting. And I've wanted to do that for a long time" he admitted a blush creeping across his cheeks.

"What was stopping you"

"A lot of things. But mostly the fact that i was afraid of What you would do. I didnt exactly feel like dying quite yet."

"What made you want to suddenly now?"

"Summer ends in a few days. If you murdered me at least I wouldn't have to go home" he tried joking but it was a failed attempted. Her heart sank realizing he was right. Summer was ending in just a few days. "Come on. Let's get you patched up"

0-0 the end is near

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