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Nerris gasped. She turned away. For some reason it felt like she was invading his privacy. He slowly reached out, almost like he would bite her or something, and pushed his hair back to cover his eye. She needed to focus on who did this to him and he obviously wasnt going to be any help.

"God your fucking magic why cant you wake up damnit...use your brain nerris" she looked down. She ripped a strip off the bottom of her tank top. She pressed it againts the stab wound and applied presure. The white cloth was quickly turned completely red. She looked down and took the jacket off of her waist. She pressed that against it to stop the bleeding. Harrison groaned and shifted down, more blood appearing. He wasn’t making this any better for himself.

"Fuck Harrison can you not" she applied more pressure all the while wondering who was out here with them.

“H-help....” he muttered in a daze.

"Shh shh save your strength your gonna need it" she looked around and shook her head. It seemed like the bleeding was almost gone she stood up and started pacing again.

"fuck you Harrison" nerris pulled at her hair. why did she get paired with Harrison. if she hadnt they never would have gotten into a fight. meaning she never would have let him walk off. then he wouldnt be laying unconscious on the ground with a stab wound. he coughed and said with a weak voice "" she stopped pacing and dropped down in front of him. "shit what the hell happened?" he didn't answer her. instead his head rolled to the side.

She sat by him and watched him checking his pulse every so often. After a few hours he coughed she looked up worried and moved closer to him reached out to touch his shoulder. His eyes opened and his breathing hitched. He leaned forward suddenly “I’m scared....” he hugged Nerris, getting blood everywhere.

She was shocked at first but slowly hugged him back. "You owe me a new shirt" she commented but she didnt pull away. “I-I know....” he was breathing brokenly. She slowly rubbed circles on his back to try and help him calm down a little bit.

"I hope you know because of you ive lost 2 jackets and a shirt your a pretty shitty date Harrison" she attempted a laugh but it came out more of a sob. “Date...?” Harrison pulled away, his hair still covering his eyes.

"Sorry right now i shouldnt be joking" she looked down at her blood soaked clothes "expecially about out non exestint friendship considering I did backhand you while you were unconscious" Nerris stop. Your just digging your own grave here.

“Fuck you....” Harrison scratched at his eye, but panicked. “My eyepatch!” Nerris flinched at the sudden change of tone "y-yea" she looked away "I'm not sure what happened do you remeber anything?" She asked but he ignored her question. “Shit! I can’t let anyone see this-“ he covered his eye, twitching. Nerris leaned foreward and slowly reached out. She didnt want him to attack her she didnt know his mental state. "Here" she parted his hair so it would cover the whole half of his face "youll be fine"

“Nerris it’s unstable!” He blurted out. She had no idea what he was talking about. He must have lost to much blood and wasnt thinking clearly. She sighed "what do we need to do?"

“Either hand me something sharp or find something to cover this....” she looked at him like he was crazy.

"No sharp things" she looked around "um were in the middle of nowhere harrison. All my stuff is in my bag at the camp but thanks to your little stunt I dont know where that is" she stood up and spun in a circle looking for anything that could be used.

Harrison yelled, “I’ll just get it myself!” He summoned a knife and pointed it at his face. “Look away, now!”

"Harrison no!" She took a stop towards him but stopped when she saw the look on his face. He baisically growled at her "Nerris I swear to god look away right now" his hand trembled contrasting his voice that was unwavering.

"H-harrison" even as she said it she stepped back and looked the other way.
It was quick and the weapon disappeared, but there was a lot more blood on his face than before.

"Jesus" she turned around "I-I need to sit down" she staggered over to a trunk and leaned against it feeling dizzy. She put up with the blood for a while already but she couldnt anymore. Visions? Flashbacks? She didnt know what to call them, filled her vision of the red splattered wall and the tipped over chair. The body slumped on the ground. She started to silently cry. Harrison was silent. He just sat and watched her.

love is a illusion || Nerrison Where stories live. Discover now