pretty lil' thing

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!Trigger warning! Gore and sexual themes

Nerris groaned and tried to move but found she couldn't move due to ropes wrapped around her body. She slowly opened her eyes to the dim lit room but squeezed them shut as the pounding in her head increased. She was trying to remember where she was and why she was there but the more she tried the harder it became. She was jolted by a hand being placed on her shoulder. She heard a 'tsk' sound over the sound of boots circling where she sat.

She opened her eyes to see someone standing in front of her and she shrank down in the chair as much as she could with the ropes there. The figure bent down to her eye level and she closed them again praying this was all a nightmare. She jumped as a hand gripped her face forcing her to look back at the person.

"Oh did we hurt you? So sorry about that princess" Daniel spoke from behind a white mask that covered the lower half of his face. He felt her eyes linger there and took his hand from her face bringing it to the mask pulling it down flashing her a cruel smile that made her shiver.

His teeth had been messily sharpened to a point and one half of his mouth was torn open, a large gash ripped into the skin. He leaned forward and she jumped. "What's wrong? Didn't expect to see me so soon" he said softly into her ear. She gasped feeling something sharp being pressed into her lower abdomen. "Don't worry princess we won't hurt you... To bad" he chuckled darkly bringing the blade up into her eyesight. She whimpered as the cold metal rested against her exposed arm and a thousand tiny pricks were felt as he pressed it into her skin. He dragged the crooked blade down making her cry out in pain as red flowed from the wound. He repeated the action on the other side and brought the blade up to her cheek. He pressed the edge into her skin and she cringed as a small trickle of blood trickled down her skin.

"Stop it Daniel" a voice growled and he straightened turning towards the other chair where Harrison sat. The magicians eyes flickered over to nerris, hurt filling his face before glaring at the blond in front of him. "Go. To. Hell." He spat on the ground in front of him. Daniel recoiled and scoffed. He turned towards the three teens that lined the wall.

"Petrol, come with me. You two, get the boy to understand we are his best bet by whatever means necessary short of killing her" Daniel stated walking out of the warehouse with the tallest of the trio following in his wake. Nerris looked to the chair across from her and Harrison stared back with a panicked look. He took in her condition. The dried blood on the side of her face from her temple. The nick on her cheek. Her arms covered in blood from long cuts along them. A laugh rang out as pikeman moved towards them. Nerris looked over tracking his movements as he moved towards her. He leaned down looking her over. A smirk settled on his lips.

"My my, aren't you a pretty lil' thing. Your not gwen but your still sexy. I can see why the boy likes you. Who wouldnt want a piece of this" pikeman purred and ran his hand down her uninjured cheek. she squeezed her eyes shut shrinking backwards. Harrison struggled against the ropes to no avail. Pikemans hand trailed down to her neck and she pulled backwards away from him as his nails grazed her skin.

"Don't touch her" Harrison growled pulling harder against the restraints which earned him a slap upside the head from snake. Pikeman seemed unfazed by Harrison's outburst as he continued to trail his hand down her body. Nerris squirmed trying to get away anyway she could but the ropes made it almost impossible. His hand reached the bottom of her tank top and he started pulling it up as Nerris whimpered willing him to stop.

"WAIT! I'll do it! Whatever you want me to do, I'll do it. Just take your hands off of her" Harrison called out and pikeman let her shirt fall back into place. She breathed a sigh of relief as he stood up straighter frowning down at her.

"To bad, this was just getting fun" he commented eyeing nerris's shaking form. He plastered on a obviously fake smile that made nerris cringe and turned to the two other teens that had been watching. "Snake, go get the boss will you"

Why do I love hurting the characters I love T-T

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