blond hair

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Nerris was completely focused on her task and didn't even notice Harrison's staring which to him was a relief. How would he explain him randomly staring at the girl he was supposed to hate.

'Oh hey nerris. You know all those times I was really mean to you and how we always fight? Yeah fun times. I just wanted to let you know your really fucking beautiful and it hurts that I cant call you mine and every time I see you I get the sudden urge to grab your face and kiss you. Hope you feel the same!'

Nope. He'd probably never live to see the light of day again if he said that. And that's saying something. Considering he cant die. After a while he was snapped back into focus by nerris speaking.

"You...uh- you have to take off your shirt. The wound could get infected and even if it doesn't kill you it would hurt like a bitch" she said focusing her attention on the rag as she rinsed the blood from it in the water. Harrison hesitated before complying. His arm was almost completely healed so it wasnt too hard. He bit his lip self consciously as he felt her eyes rake over the burn scars that littered his skin but was glad she didnt say anything. She inspected the wound even though she was obviously very disturbed.

Harrison jumped as her hand slowly rested on his skin as her other held the cloth gently wiping the area around it. She glanced up at him.

"Sorry" she mumbled continuing her work. After a while all of the blood that once coated his chest was almost completely removed. She rinsed the rag again and sighed. Harrison looked over towards the elfkin wondering why she would help him. He was terrible to her. Hell he tried to kill her with a playing card a few days ago! He was so lost in thought he almost yelped at nerris's hand grabbing his leg her eyes wild.

"Neri-" he started but was interrupted by the girl standing up quickly. She held out her arm and he took it hesitantly. He didn't know what had the girl girl so frantic looking but knew it had to be bad. She took her previous place but didn't have to help much this time because he had been focusing on healing it Slightly. After a while of walking he finally leaned back against a tree exhausted. "Nerris what the hell was that?" He asked as the girl paced the dirt floor in from of him.

She was mumbling something unintelligible to herself and panicking. Harrison reached out his hand and grabbed her shoulder forcing nerris to face him. She seemed to snap out of it but still looked worried. She went silent for a few minutes just staring up at Harrison with a frantic look still.

"Blond hair" she finally said at last. Harrison cocked his head to the side. "Blond hair, I swear I saw it. Through the trees back there. He was tall and he had blon-" she started speaking quickly going back into panic mode but Harrison cut her off suddenly by connecting their lips. It ended almost as quickly as it started and he slumped back into the tree once more. Nerris just stood there staring at him with wide eyes. She tried to say something again but Harrison held up his hand to stop her.

"You were rambling and needed to shut up. You were giving me a headache" he tried to reason his actions even though he knew his face was bright red and he was avoiding her gaze. Though she wasnt much better

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