secret act

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Harrison smiled and bowed. His parents smiled at him and clapped. Ollie was attempting to whistle but failed. Harrison laughed and walked to the couch putting his deck of cards in his pocket. A timer went off in the kitchen and his mother stood up and went to set up dinner. Harrison laughed as Ollie made a face of consitration staring at the base on the table. "It's no fair harri gets to move things with his mind!" He whined and their father smiled at them both. He patted Ollies shoulder and walked into the kitchen to help their mother. Harrison got up and Ollie grabbed his arm. "When are we going to do our trick Harri?" He asked with pleading eyes.

"Soon Ollie ive almost perfected it." Harrison said and the boys mother appeared in the doorway. She made a shooing motion with her hands "go wash up and come to the table boys" they walked to the bathroom joking and washed their hands. When they sat down at the table Harrison's father looked up.

"So harri when are you going to start including oliver in your tricks? He's been excited you know" he said and went back to his plate. Ollie bounced in his seat happily. "Oh harrison and I have been pact-" he started but Harrison shushed him and Ollie looked down "right. Its a secret act!" Their mother laughed and they are talking about various topics.

After Harrison helped his mother clean up he took a shower and laid down in bed. He couldnt sleep so he got out a deck cards and shuffled them absentmindly. There was a soft knock on the door. He got up and walked to the door and opened it to be met with large brown eyes staring up at him. "Can we practice now harri?" Ollie asked and Harrison nodded. "Sure bud" Ollie smiled and ran into the room and jumped on the bed. He looked at Harrison unexpectedly. "Stay very very still remember" he told the boy and he nodded laying down.

Harrison started to concintrate. He had preformed this trick dozens of times. But those were inanimate objects. He's never made a whole person disappear. After about a minute Harrison opened his eyes and pulled the sheet off where he had placed it over the boy and gasped. The bed was empty. He was so happy it actually worked. He laid the sheet back down and after another minute the young boy sat up wide eyed staring at his brother. "It worked!" He yelled and Harrison shushed him. "It sure did bud"

A few nights later Harrison's father returned from work. Ollie was jumping around with excitement. As soon as the man walked through the door Ollie was dragging him into the living room. His father only laughed at his eagerness. Harrison had moved the coffee table in front of him and cleaned it off to perform his act. He had a white bed sheet in his gloved hand and was wearing his magicians get up. The boys mother was smiling at the bouncing ball of energy that was Ollie. Harrison smiled at them all.

"Today I will have an assistant" he announced and ollie started clapping. "That's me!" The young boy exclaimed jumping up. Everyone laughed and ollie layed down on the coffee table already. Harrison spread out the sheet in his hands. "Today, I will be making my trusty assistant Oliver..." He paused for dramatic effect "DISAPPEAR!" he said very proud of himself. His parents smiled at one another as harrison draped the sheet over the young boy. He consitrated and after a moment he pulled back the sheet.

"Tadaaa!" He announced doing jazz hands. His parents gasped in wonder looking at the empty table. Harrison smiled and placed the sheet back. "Now he will re appear" he said smiling before closing his eyes and willing it to work. Only when he pulled the sheet back.

Ollie wasn't there.

And here's a look into harrisons past! Hope you liked it.

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