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Nerris opened her eyes and groaned at the bright light hitting her face. She tried to roll over but found that she couldn't. Turning her head she sighed seeing Harrison. He had her pulled back into his body and it looked like he had been crying. She wondered why. She laid her head back down and sighed. He looked peaceful and nerris didnt want to disturb that. It wasnt often that he was peaceful. He always seemed to have something on his mind. He was always distant. Especially lately.

She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the feeling of breath on her skin and the movement of his chest against her back everytime he breathed in but it was pretty hard. She tried to think of all the shitty things Harrison had done to her but the most she could come up with were the times she was terrible to him. There were a LOT. She sighed and relaxed slightly Staring off into the trees.

After a while she felt Harrison shift slightly behind her. He opened his eyes and squeezed them shut at the light burying his face in the back of her neck groaning. Nerris tensed up slightly at the action but giggled.

"Good morning Harrison" She she said chuckling and he just groaned again in reply. After a moment he relized how awkward this moment must be for her and rolled over slightly. He winced at the pain in his leg but it was no where close to as bad as it had been. It felt more like a sprain now. He sat up and ran a hand through his messy hair yawning. He looked over at her smiling slightly. He wouldn't lie, she was pretty cute. But that doesnt mean anything. He was just making an observation.... Right? 

His jacket was big on her small form and she was curled into it with it wrapped around her body. Her reddish brown hair was tangled slightly and he was sure his was too. Her dark skin seemed to glow with the morning sun bouncing off of it, highlighting her freckles. Her blue eyes narrowed slightly at him.

"Your staring" she commented and he looked away quickly. Sitting up she yawned and stretched her arms above her head with her face slightly scrunched in pain afterwards. She sighed and looked down at the cloth wrapped around her and decided now would be the best time to say anything. "So... Whats up with the jacket?" She asked quietly and his smile was quickly wiped off.

"It um- it was my real dads" He was looking down at his fidgeting hands. She was taken aback slightly. She hadnt expected him to actually answer. She thought he woukd get all stand offish and push her away like he usually did. And she definitely didnt guess that would be his answer.

She chewed on her bottom lip for a moment before slipping off the jacket to give it back because it obviously held a really important place in his life. She jumped as Harrison's hand wrapped around her wrist.

"No, wear it" he said and she shook her head going to protest but he moved his other hand up grasping her chin. It wasnt hard enough to hurt her. It was strangly gentle yet firm at the same time. He angled her head so she was looking at him. "Nerris wear the jacket" he said looking at her and her breath caught in her throat from the intensity in his stare. She nodded slightly and he seemed satisfied with that letting both her wrist and her face out his grasp. She would never admit it but she was genuinely sad that the contact was broke. She sighed looking down trying to process why her stomach felt weird and fluttery. Its not like she liked Harrison right... Right!?

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