card tricks

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After a few more minutes of hiking nerris found a clearing. she set down her bag of supplies.

"Harrison you have the stuff to pitch the tent" she said rolling her eyes knowing she should've taken it. Hearing nothing she turned around and noticed he was still a ways away. Annoyed she plopped down on the log and adjusted her synthetic elf ears. "Boys" she grumbled to herself. A rock caught Harrison's foot and he fell, his jacket luckily softening his fall. Yes, he had a changed wardrobe. His top hat was still there, although it fell off of his head in the fall. He didn't say anything as he fell, but made noise because of the force. Yet he said nothing.

Nerris gasped but covered it up with a laugh. She got up and walked over to him taking the backpack and bringing it next to hers and got out the stuff to pitch the tent. She started setting up but halfway through she slipped. The equipment was quite old and there were sharp edges on the polls. She looked at the cut on her hand and quickly looked away. Blood made her faint. She quickly searched the bag for the first aid kit dropping the polls in the process causing the tent to collapse. She grabbed her first aid kit and wrapped it up.

Harrison walked into the clearing. If he wanted to hurt her he could now. She certainly left scars on him. He thiught of the one on his hip from being shoved into the corner of the table. Then he thought of the ones on his heart. He shook his head. Nerris didnt deserve his attention. She had proved that by now. Nerris pretended not to notice him as he walked into the clearing. Ignoring the pain in her hand she continued to set up.

After a while she finally finished. The sun was starting to go down. She pulled out the two bags of nuts and berries she had grabbed from the mess hall before they left and slid one over to Harrison. She walked over and slumped against a tree not bringing herself to eat what was in the bag. She laid her head back against the bark and pulled her knees to her chest.

He didn't touch the bag. Instead he pulled out a deck of cards and started practicing new card tricks.

"Card tricks wont get you any where in life Harrison. Maybe the streets of vegas but thats about it" she hadnt opened her eyes but knew what he was doing. It was the only thing he ever really did at the camp and she had grown used the the light flutter of the cards when he shuffled. She banged her head against the tree once. Stop it nerris you hate him remeber she scolded inside of her head. Hate burned in his visible eye as he glared at her. He stopped shuffling and threw a card at Nerris. He had gotten better at throwing cards, although it did miss Nerris by a few inches, it did hit the tree behind her, getting stuck in it. If it had hit it surely would have caused a lot of harm. Harrison looked back down at his cards, resummoning the card he had lost. Nerris jumped and yelped at the thunk of the card hitting the tree. She stood up and stuffed her hands in her jacket pockets. She traided out her cape for a navey blue jacket a year prior. Though she still kept the cape handy.

"Fine" she couldnt keep the pain from her voice. She turned and walked about 200 paces into the trees where she could still see the camp but Harrison couldnt see her...hopefully.

He sighed. Sure he felt bad but she did deserve it. She was a bitch. He continued shuffling his cards and tried to forget his feelings

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