dying inside

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Nerris shook her head. "You'll laugh" she said in a quiet voice.

"Probally but I'll laugh at anything. Just tell me" she was quiet for a bit. Finally she spoke up.

She shook her head. "We were fighting. I told you I didn't need you and wouldnt care if you died." She looked away from him "you slapped me across the face and called me a whore. I got mad and and ran into the trees but your voice followed me, insulting me. Telling me I should have died instead. I saw a door and I ran to it. I reconised the door but I couldnt place it. Now I relize it was the front door to my old house. I heard sobbing from inside and against what I wanted to do and I opened it. I've grown used to this part. But this time it was diffrent. You were sitting in the chair instead of-" a sob broke from her lips and she wiped her eyes to keep from balling them out. She hadnt told anyone about the dreams she has. "There were bottles all around you. You finished one another one and stood up and chucked the bottle at the wall knocking the chair over. Y-You picked up the gun and placed it in your mouth. Before you pulled the trigger...you looked right at me and. Smiled" she wiped her eyes again like that would help erase the memory. "I know. Pathetic right" she slumped against a nereby tree.

Harrison stared at her. “Was the person who you were originally having a nightmare about.... one of your family members...?” His expression was different than before.

She looked down and repeated one of the headlines from the news. "16 year old girl left scarred after mother dies in car wreck and witnesses father commit suicide" they had kept her identity a secret so she could continue going in public without having to worry about the people judging her. She knew the kids at camp knew. They just didnt know that the mystery girl could hear them talking about what happened.

Harrison was silent for a minute but hugged Nerris. He didn’t say anything, but didn’t let go, despite the pain in his arm and eye. Nerris barried her face in his good shoulder. She quietly sobbed. She hadnt told anyone what happened a month prior to arriving at camp. After a while nerris pulled away wiping her face dry "t-thank you. Please dont tell the campers... I dont need their pity" she said in a quiet voice that didnt sound like her own. Harrison nodded, his hair over his eyes again. Secretly, he was nearly in tears. She would never know that though.

They were both dying inside

OoOoOoO emotional

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