lake lilac social

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Nerris opened her mouth to ask what the fuck had just happened but no sound came out. She couldn't process why he would have given her the jacket he spent so much time and energy to keep on himself.

"J-just be quiet" Harrison said crossing his arms. She sighed and pulled the jacket tighter around her. She laid back down on the ground and shut her eyes. She tensed up slightly feeling arms wrap around her waist once again. She started to protest but Harrison cut her off.

"Body heat" he mumbled into the back of her neck and yawned. She sighed and closed her eyes once more. She felt his breath against her skin and involuntarily shivered slightly. He pulled her closer and she relaxed a little bit. He was right, it was a cold night. She quickly fell back asleep listening to his breathing.

Harrison felt her body relax against him and relized she had fallen asleep. He smiled slightly at her sleeping form and ran a hand through her curly hair. She mumbled something inaudible and shifted slightly. It didnt seem like she was having a nightmare though. She had a small smile on her face. Harrison wished she would smile more often it was cute. Then he scolded himself inside of his head.

He was supposed to hate her... He did hate her. He thought back to the lake lilac social and how she had hurt him.

'I stood cursing under my breath and tried again. I closed my eyes and consentrated as hard as I could. I took a deep breath and and flicked my wrist. A bundle of flowers appeared. I smiled down at them. Finally. I jumped someone came charging into the tent.

"This. Is. An. Outrage." Preston exclaimed, clapping after each word. He looked over at me. "Whatcha doing magic boy?" He asked and I laughed slightly while setting down the flowers.

"Just practicing some party tricks." I answer with a shrug and he raises a eyebrow at me smiling evily while eying the flowers.

"Oh really, or are you practicing to impress a girl, maybe a certain nerd with a lisp and love for fantasy?" He asks with a laugh. I feel my face heat up and shake my head.

"Get out of here Preston" I turn my back to him and cup my hands together and blow lightly into them. When I open my hands and single dove flys out. And lands directly on top of Preston head. I smile as he screeches and paws at his hair before storming out. The dove following closely.

I sigh and look down at the discarded flowers. Hes right. I was only practicing that trick for nerris. I sigh and turn to walk out of the tent and to the mess hall. Everyone is setting up for the lake lilac social and it's chaos. I look around not paying much attention to my surroundings when I'm knocked slightly off balence. I catch myself but there is a crash and I look over.

My breath catches in my throat looking at the girl who I bumped into, now sitting on the ground. Her brown curles are in a mess like usual and her dazzling blue eyes are confused. She grabs her glasses and places them back on the brige of her nose. She looks up at me and glares. I chuckle nervously and hold my hand out but she disregards it and climbs up on her own.

"Watch where your going dwarf" she says not even looking at me. She crouches down to start picking up the box of decorations she had dropped. I go to help her but she flips me off and continues. I get the hint and stand up catching prestons eye as he smirks at me mouthing the words "I told you so" I shook me head at him and rolled my eyes.

"Well uh- see ya around nerris" I say stuffing my hands in my pockets. I nod slightly when she doesnt reply and turn to go find David to figure out what I could help with.

A few hours later I stood back and admired the work we had all done. David was talking to Gwen in an excited manner. She just nodded her head unenthusiasticly looking dead inside. So everything was normal. Well other then the way my chest hurt thinking about nerris. That was new. Maybe this is what heartache felt like.

Once the sun started setting the other camps started showing up. I was standing in the corner shuffling cards when David passed by talking to sasha about a dance contest they should do. David being David was ecstatic about the idea. I smiled slightly. Maybe this was my chance to get close to nerris.

David grabbed the microphone and announced that they would be dancing. I almost laughed at the commotion. Nikki bounced over to max but was turned down as he trudged out of the mess hall entirely. Tabii was chasing Neil around trying to kiss him. The poor boy was terrified. Snake watched tabii sadly. Preston seemed to be the only one makimg progress as he had gotten the baker girl onto the dance floor. How? I had no clue. I noticed nerris sitting in the corner alone rolling a dice. I took a deep breath and made my way to where she was sitting. She didn't even look up as I approached.

"Hey nerris?" She just hummed in response glancing up at me. I concentrated and flicked my wrist willing it to happen. A bouquet of flowers appeared in my hands. A few of the petals drifting down to the floor. I saw wonder in her eyes and scratched the back of my neck nervously. The wonder was quickly replaced with annoyance.

"God your pathetic Harrison" she said glaring at me now.'

He blinked back a few tears that started to form in his eyes. It still hurt but she had been right. He was pathetic for thinking anyone would ever like him. Especially someone like nerris. He sighed and leaned his forhead against the back of the elfkins head a few tears escaping and he silently cried.

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