simpler times

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"At least there's one thing we can agree on. Dont burn the tree down though, I dont wanna die in your presence" great they were back to this. She put her head back and sighed. It had been a crazy day and it was taking its toll on her.

"The last time I burnt something down with you was when you told me to do it." That was a few years back. Gwen was mad at both of them for causing a lot of damage. He leaned back, and a drop of water hit him. He quickly pulled his hood over his face.

"Well that was a simpler time back then" she closed her eyes and let memories fill her head. Back when her and harrison were still friends. She doesn't even remeber what made them hate each other anymore

A light rain had started. "Maybe." Harrison wasn't making much sense. But he was the magic one.

Nerris rubbed her arms. She had moved under a thicket of leaves but she still could still feel the rain. Her eyes drifted shut "maybe" Nerris could only sleep for about 10 minutes before nightmares started to haunt her. She awoke with a start she was screaming but her scream was silent. She pulled her knees to her chest and cried quietly as to not disturb Harrison if he was sleeping. She softly sung a old lullaby her dad would sing to her into her knees. She shivered and her tank top was soaked through by now. She should have been smarter when choosing what to wear but she didn't expect her jacket to be left in a tree with a bear.

She looked around her and noticed a new jacket sitting on the branch next to her. It was a bland orange one, but it had a warm and fuzzy interior. Harrison was possibly asleep, he was turned away and wasn't moving. Nerris looked around and at the jacket again. She looked towards Harrison's back and said softly "thank you" as she slid it on. It was a few sizes to big for her but she didnt care. She curled into herself and staired at the patterns in the bark of the tree.

Harrison shifted in his sleep, then made a weird noise when his hurt arm shifted the wrong way. Nerris looked over at him. He seemed so... peaceful when he slept. She didnt understand what had a happened to them. "Why do you hate me" she whispered to herself. After the incident everything changed. Harrison started to become distant so she may have over reacted but that shouldnt cause this much tension between the two.

Harrison grabbed at his hurt arm in his sleep and used ice magic froze a bit of it to keep it in place.

"He can do magic in his sleep. Scary." Nerris laughed quietly. "Great job nerris your talking to yourself now" she sighed and looked to his face. His hair had fallen off of his face and his eye patch was visible.

That eyepatch.... he started wearing it right after the incident. Anyone who asked about it would be ignored for a few hours by the magic kid. Typical.

Nerris noticed the sun starting to rise. Wow she was a creep. She watched Harrison sleep all night. It was interesting. At times there was a sort of shimmer around him and he would ranomly freeze his arm throughout the night. Harrison was still in a nightmare. He was losing the sleeping face and it went to fear and panic. Yet he was still asleep. Nerris didnt know if she should wake him or not. After a careful debate in her head she decided she would wait a few minutes. She slowly decended the tree. She made her way through the trees. She spotted her canteen she had dropped while jumping. Hearing running water she followed it to a stream and filled it up. When she returned to the tree he still hadnt woken. She crouched down next to him and gently touched his good shoulder.

Harrison groaned and woke up. He looked broken, his left eye filled with fear, but his expression seemed soulless.

She reached out and gently touched his cheek. "Shhh. It's just me." She helped him sit up. "Here, drink" she held out the canteen. He took it and raised it to his lips. She sighed. She didn't know what to do now.

Double chapter? Woooow I hope all you 2 people who are reading this appriciated it lol

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