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Nerris nelt next to Harrison. His face was blank but he was using all his will not to cry in pain. She sighed.

"Magic isnt always the answer Harrison. Sometimes you have to use your brain" she told him and he tried to sit up using his hurt arm but crying out and dropping back down. "HARRISON!" she scolded. "What the hell did I just say? Your going to end up never being able to move this arm again if you keep it up and I will not be responsible for letting you jump out of a tree" she slipped off her jacket and set it aside. "How do you want to do this. I can stabalize it and possibly find some pain killers OR we can leave it unstable causing you even more pain and able to fuck it up some more"

He glared at her. "Nerris. I've had this arm cut off before due to- The reason is not important but I can fix myself. Physically." he said with an edge to his voice. Nerris just nodded. She got up and walked over to the tree and sat at its base. She didnt say anything she just sat and started making patterns in the loose dirt with her finger looking at him expectantly. Waiting. Harrison stumbled away, trying to find his way back to camp.

"I'll give him three hours" she told herself and pulled the jacket back on before she let her eyes close as she drifted off into a dreamless sleep.

About two hours later Nerris woke up alone. She stretched and stood up sighing. "I should probally find out what shit hes gotten himself into by now" she walked over to to where he was walking and smiled. His footprints were very evident. His shoes had a wide heel and since he was injured he wasnt making sure to walk with a light foot. This would be easier then expected. She followed his trail for about an hour before she caught a flash of his hair between the trees. He was leaning up against a tree. As she walked she spoke to him.

"Damn you really dont know how to navigate the forrest do you? You led us away from the original campsite." She laughed but he didn't reply. She rolled her eyes at him. "You ever heard of the turtle and the hare? Didnt that teach us to not to take naps under trees during a chase?" She nudged his foot when he still didnt respond. His head fell forward limply. He seemed to be barley breathing. She crouched down in front of him and leaned forward placing one hand on his chest and the other on his neck. She let out a sigh of releif when she felt a pulse and looked down. She scrambled back when she relized that she was baisically straddling him.

She looked at him and was happy he was passed out so he wouldn't remeber that. She put her hand on her leg and when she took it off there was a red handprint. She turned her hand over and saw the blood. She started hyperventilating. Blood that was hers was bad enough. Blood that was someone else's was 10 times worse. But blood that was Harrison's was terrifying. She looked closer on his chest where her hand had been. The dark red of the blood blended in with the black of the fabric. She grabbed the zipper of his jacket "sorry harrison" she unzipped it and saw that it was worse under the jacket. She had to get up and go to another tree to vomit. When she was done she started pacing not knowing what to do.

"I swear to fucking god Harrison your such a fucking idiot why the fuck did you of all people have to end up in this situation. And of course it's blood its always blood when it comes to me." she got down in front of him again. She was quiet for a moment before she backhanded him. "I'm never letting you out of my sight again you dumbass you are not allowed to leave me too" she sat back. "Wow that actually felt good" she took a deep breath and checked his chest again seeing it was a stab wound meaning it was either self inflicted, and why would he do that, or someone dangerous was out here with them. And I injury like that to her, would do a lot more then knock her out.

Blood came out of his mouth, and his expression was changed ever so slightly. Some blood dripped down his cheek and onto the jacket. His hair had moved away from his eyes.

Wait a second....
the eyepatch.

It wasn't there.

I have some of nerris's past up but would you be interested in seeing harrisons?

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