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She looked around "are you good to walk now? Weve been out here 3 days with no supplies and youve already broken your arm, gotten stabbed, and stabbed yourself. And I popped a bunch of stitches and I think reopened my side. Its hard to tell because my shirts already covered in blood i cant tell if its mine or yours" she looked down at the shirt that used to be white. She took a step and doubled over "definetly fucked up my side" she said through gritted teeth. She slowly stood back up. Clutching her side she took another step wincing. "You coming?"

Harrison walked to her side. “I can carry you if you’d like.” She blushed and looked away quickly "n-not needed. It's not that bad see" she walked a few steps wincing every time and when she turned back she had her jaw clentched shut. She shrugged.

He picked her up, wincing horribly, but placed her on his back. “Hold on, I can only hold you with one arm.” she shook her head. "No Harrison your going to hurt yourself even more!" Contrary to what she said she wrapped her arms around him carefully. It was scary how easily he picked her up. Even with a bunch of injuries. “Now, lead the way.” Harrison started walking forwards anyways.

"I hope you know your a strange thing Harrison." She looked around. She smiled slightly. She had never been tall before. Even at 16 she stood only at 5'4. “I’m aware.” He didn’t feel insulted luckily.



"Why didnt you just leave me? After I fled the first time any ways. I treated you like crap and you still came after me I dont understand" he was quiet for a minute before answering her. “I’ve been left behind before. It sucks.” He didn’t say anything else.

She didnt say anything. She had a bunch of questions. Like what happened with his eye. Whats the deal with his jacket. Where did he learn magic. But she liked to think she had a fraction of his trust now. And that he hated her a little less. She didnt want to put that in jeopardy. They walked in silence for a while.

“I’m honestly really hungry right now ” Harrison why do you do this. She was confused by the randomness of the comment "Well all of our food is in my bag. At the camp. Which you led me on a wild goose chase in the opposite direction"

He didnt reply. He just made a bag of chips appear. "The fuck just happened" He opened it with magic and chugged them. “I’m going to regret that.” He made the bag disappear. She was so confused at this point. "And I repeat. What. The. Fuck." She laughed "thats one way to do it I guess" she laughed “How the fuck am I so fucking thin-“ he asked out loud but she had no answer for him

She nodded forgetting that he cant see her "I mean you just ate but okay then" she looked behind them. “Nerris I haven’t eaten breakfast or lunch. A bag of chips isn’t much.” He kept walking. She pondered that for a minute.

"So you can heal yourself, you have MAGIC! And yet your still bound to this plain of physics by food?" She thought about how little she actually knew about Harrison. “Well, I need something to keep me human. Not many can tell if I truly am human and it’s annoying.” Nerris felt her face go hot. Why did she keep blushing? Luckily he couldn't see her. She never blushed before. She thought of all the times she called him a reject of a person. "Oh um yea..."

"Although being a demon or galactic being would be fun-" She laughed "a demon? please tell me your not going to sacrifice me to become some otherworldly monster"

“Maybe I’m taking you somewhere to do that...” Harrison laughed but coughed up blood. “I’m kidding.” he said wiping his lip with the back of his palm.

"Ok thats it your hurt to badly put me down" he didnt stop. "Nope"

She sighed. "If you could die I hope you know you would be dead by now"  she noticed he wasnt on the trail anymore. How long ago did he leave it. "Where are we going?" She looked around and down at the ground.

“You’re the guide.” he replied in a monotone-ish voice.

"I said to stay on the path this is not the path" she motioned to the ground he was walking on. He didnt say anything but found the path again. She sighed. She thought about smacking him upside the head but didnt want to risk falling.

"Can you put me down now?" She asked and he finally stopped and carefully placed her on the ground.

love is a illusion || Nerrison Where stories live. Discover now