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We exist. We have always existed and we will always exist. We had been hunted like all other supernatural creatures through the centuries to the brink of extinction. As such we had responded based on the need to survive but others responded out of hatred for them and it was then that humans began to fear us. Though most vampires who fed from humans killed them, many humans were turned and the vampire population began increasing exponentially and it was then the humans who were pushed to the brink of their existence. However, with all things in nature, there must be a balance and in order to restore balance a council of supernatural creatures and humans were created. The purpose of the councils were to create a treaty by which supernatural creatures and humans could coexist in peace. The treaty dictated that so long as supernatural creatures seamlessly pass in and out of the human world with little to no attention the humans would not wage war against us. The council of humans thought that the less humans knew about us the better as humans often feared what they didn't understand and would seek annihilation for a non-existent threat. As for vampires, we were allowed to feed so long as we did not completely drain our host. Further, a human could only be turned with approval from the council which usually required some extenuating circumstance. So we have existed through the centuries with the human race though it has not been without incident. In the late 3rd century a group of rouge supernatural beings had sought to break the treaty as they still held views of some of the original vampires, that humans were no more than food and nothing else, they were beneath us.

This group, Ultio Ultonis, waged war against the humans and the war spread to include all species. Many of the elder council members were killed before the Ultonis were defeated and they war took its toll on all involved. The remaining Ultonis members were sentenced to death and the treaty was once again restored.

I felt my chest tighten as I thought about the day I had lost her. She was to be my queen and she had fought by my side throughout the war. I was a younger vampire and I had not the strength to save her. Acerbus, the Ultonis leader, had pinned my beloved to the wall by driving a wooden stake through each shoulder. She was not a vampire but it had been enough to immobilize her none the less.

Ferus, with whom I was fighting, a stronger vampire than myself, took full advantage of my momentary paralysis in hearing her screams of pain and began a quick assault that broke both arms, fractured ribs and dislocated my jaw. Although vampires are able to recover from such injuries, the rate at which they heal depends upon their blood line and age. I was of pure blood being the creation of Ambrogio one of the first vampires but my age would not allow me to heal instantaneously and so I lay on the cold stone floor gasping for air, fury in my eyes and fears of losing her running through my mind.

Tears streamed down her cheeks as our eyes and I knew that her life was about to come to an end. Acerbus, laughed maniacally as he sauntered over and kicked me in the stomach, sending me flying across the room into the wall.

"Everything you and your pathetic counsel have done to stop us has been in vain. Not only will you lose the battle allowing the Ultonis to rule as Supernatural creatures should but you will lose all that you love in the process." Acerbus said, eyeing me carefully before picking up a wooden stake and returning to Tiet whistling quite happily.

Little did he know that the remaining members of his group had been captured or killed and he and Ferus were the only ones still alive.

"Acerbus, I think this pathetic excuse for a vampire will be no more trouble, would you like for me to end him?" Ferus asked.

"No, I want him to see what I am about to do to his pretty little witch. Gather some wood Ferus. I'm in the mood to have a witch burning." said Acerbus smiling wickedly.

I cursed Acerbus in every language I knew while he slowly drew the stake down Tiet's face drawing blood. I fought through the pain of my injuries in a desperate attempt to help her, willing myself to somehow heal faster. I watched Acerbus fondle Tiet's breasts while he licked the blood off of her face from the mark left by the wooden stake. Weakly I reached out to grab Acerbus' leg but instead was greeted with another rib cracking kick from him that sent me once again across the room.

Ferus returned with a bundle of wood, kindling, and a torch and began to place the wood around Tiet who had been unpinned from the wall and tied to a stake driven down in the floor. As they readied her for her death each bastard took turns beating and raping her. I looked helplessly at her cursing myself for my weakness. Blood flowed freely from the wounds to her body and blood ran down her legs pooling on the floor beneath her. I watched in agony the suffering of my beloved. But then I heard the whisper of her angelic voice enter my mind. But how? A connection is not created until a pair has bonded. I was confused yet the sound of her voice soothed my rage and somehow eased my pain.

"Alessandro. Victory will be had this night but a price must be paid." she whispered softly.

"Then let me pay the price! I would rather suffer whatever the price may be than lose you!" I screamed through the connection or so I thought.

Upon hearing my words, Acerbus turned licking the last of the blood from Tiet's neck. "Pathetic Alesandro! You have been blinded and weakened by a woman! You could have had everything, any woman and as many human women, as you wanted. Humans are expendable that is their purpose. They are beneath us! Vampires are the supreme beings! With our victory comes a new era, an era in which all being shall bow to us. " he voice bellowed through the hall as he threw the torch down on the wood and kindling.

Tiet did not scream in pain as the flames rose around her instead she began to chant to the sun God Ra "Adoration of Ra, everliving, O Solar God who creates by utterance. O Lord of the Sky, giver of light, Lord of the unplundered tomb, who gives life to those who acknowledge him; Protect for me O mighty Ra the one I love and I pray of thee, lend to me your powers this night so that I might slay evil and bring peace back to your land." Her voice was strong but I watched fresh tears stream down her cheeks.

Before our connection was severed and I lost my beloved, I heard her sweet voice once more.

"Alesandro, you will be safe but Acerbus, Ferus and I will perish as the power of Ra flows through the amulet of Akmun-Ra. Do not worry my love for through my love Alesandro, I will find you again" she said sadly.

With that there was a blinding light that was slowly replaced by darkness, save for the moon light streaming through the window. I lay on the floor crying for my beloved as I stared at the three piles of ash that remained. The amulet Akmun-Ra gleamed as the moonlight shone down on it and slowly Tiet's last words echoed in my mind once more.

"Through my love Alesandro, I will find you again."

Author's note

Okay. So this is my first story and it has not been edited so please expect some errors. I will be updating soon. Anyways please read and comment. Hope you guys enjoy!!!!!

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